
After 20 years at the Orange County...

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After 20 years at the Orange County Fair, Tropical Treasure’s deals

are as fresh as ever. The exotic flower importer specializes in

“plumeria” -- Hawaii-grown flora that look like little more than

sticks when you first buy them.

But follow the directions, and in a year, you’ll have an exotic

flowering plant, and in two years, you’ll have a gorgeous little


These plants are normally $9.95 each, but Tropical Treasures, in

the Carnival of Products, is offering a deal too good to pass up: two

plumeria stems, one purple pineapple lily, two New Zealand calle

lilies, a white Peruvian spider lily and a one-year supply of their

special fertilizer for $20. It would normally cost about $50 to plant

so many tropical blooms in your own home.
