
UCI scientists join fight against terror

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Deepa Bharath

Two UC Irvine scientists have received a $3.2-million grant to

research vaccines to combat deadly bacteria that terrorists could use

as biological weapons.

The money was awarded by the National Institute of Health to Phil

Felgner, a researcher with UCI’s Center for Virus Research and Luis

Villareal, the center’s director.

The scientists, over four years, will study Francisella

tularensis, a kind of bacteria that causes a pneumonia-like disease

called tularensis. It potentially could make people sick for months.

“This organism is probably the most infectious agent known,”

Felgner said. “People can come down with symptoms by being exposed to

just 10 organisms.”

The bacteria, however, has only half the number of genes as other

commonly known bacteria such as anthrax or E. Coli. It could be fatal

in some cases, but the more disturbing aspect is that tularensis can

last for so long, Felgner said.

“When you’re in the business of bioterrorism there are two things

you like to do,” he explained. “First, scare people with fatal

diseases. Second, you try to put a burden on the economy.”

Tularensis could wreak havoc on the economy by keeping people away

from work for days.

Officials fear its use as a weapon by terrorists because it can be

spread easily using something as simple as a crop duster.

Researchers will either have to come up with vaccines or

antibodies to combat tularensis, Felgner said. He said the center

will also apply for other grants to research vaccines for small pox

and plague. Such diseases, including tularensis, are “high priority,”

Felgner said.

He said, as a scientist, it is disturbing to him about how badly

prepared the country is to fight bioterrorism.

“If you look at a list of diseases we’re looking at, you can’t say

we’re prepared at all,” he said. “We don’t seem to have the foggiest

idea what to do about any of them.”

But working on finding solutions is the most positive and

possibly, the only step to take, Felgner said.

“In five or 10 years if someone attacks us with these diseases and

we’ve done nothing about it between now and then,” he said, “we would

look awfully stupid.”

* DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be

reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at
