
That old-time superstition

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Superstitions in Islam are viewed as nothing but a myth, which drains

peoples’ energy and wealth and causes people to live in a state of

fantasy, not reality.


Islamic Educational Center

of Orange County

Superstitions abounded in New Testament times; see Acts 17 and 25

for occasions where “superstition” means an irrational, abject

attitude toward the supernatural, nature or God resulting from

magical beliefs or fears. In contemporary times, “superstitions” are

beliefs or practices resulting from trust in chance or magic. Modern

superstitions include stepping on a crack to break your mother’s

back, using cosmetics so everyone will love you, going to church so

you will get to heaven. Superstition and magic say, “My will be

done”; religion says “Thy will be done.” Magic and superstition

promise (false) security; religion is an adventure!

With regard to the delightful possibility of a 2003 World Series

between perennial underdogs who are supposedly “cursed” teams, wise

Christians realize that the Red Sox are less “cursed by the Bambino”

than by flawed pitching, fielding and hitting at critical moments

over the past 85 years; and since Jesus abolished animal sacrifice

more than 2,000 years ago, Christians don’t understand how the Cubs

can be “cursed” by a goat. Of course, above all, local Christians

lament that this World Series will be without Angels!



St. Michael & All Angels

Episcopal Church

Corona del Mar

In Thornton Wilder’s play “The Ides of March,” these words are

placed in Julius Caesar’s mouth: “I govern innumerable men but must

acknowledge that I am governed by birds and thunderclaps. One

afternoon in the Rhine Valley, the augurs of our headquarters forbade

me to join battle with the enemy. It seems our sacred chickens were

eating too fastidiously, and that the stars were not favorable. We

generals are reduced to viewing the sky with the eyes of a chicken.”

Judaism admits of superstition, although it is far past examining

the entrails of chickens for signs and portents. Still, there exists

the custom of changing the name of one in danger of dying so as to

confuse the Angel of Death over the identity of the one he has been

sent to dispatch. There are expressions to ward off the “evil eye,”

as well as demons who seem determined to disrupt happy occasions.

Tuesday is considered the most lucky of days to begin a new

enterprise since that day is twice blessed according to the Book of


Though I am a rational, intellectual product of the modern age, I

can be as superstitious as the next person. For example, when someone

inquires as to my health with a simple “How are you?” I never answer,

“I’m fine.” I feel as if this would invite trouble and provide an

opening for forces intent on making me less than “fine.” I answer,

instead, “Thank God.”

As a lifelong Cub fan, I would adopt any superstitious practice if

I knew it would favorably affect the outcome of the playoffs. After

all, after 95 years, you can’t be too careful!


Temple Bat Yahm

Newport Beach
