
Is Costa Mesa’s city management that strong?...

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Is Costa Mesa’s city management that strong?

Letter writer Bentley Little is right on the money. Costa Mesa

intentionally has a strong city manager and weak mayor form of

government. As anyone who has attended a City Council meeting, or

seen one televised, can attest, the council basically follows

whatever city staffers recommend.

This is why I don’t understand the Pilot’s fawning over City

Manager Allan Roeder, who has presided over one of the most

dysfunctional city governments in Orange County. In addition to

alleged misuse of city computers to send questionable material to the

former police chief and being placed under citizens arrest by gadfly

Sid Soffer for breaking local laws, Roeder has controlled an

administration that has wasted millions of taxpayer dollars over the

years, settling discrimination lawsuits and hiring unnecessary

consultants -- events that get reported but are then instantly

forgotten by your editorial writers.

A great city manager indeed.

Isn’t it time that Costa Mesa residents start demanding

accountability not only from elected officials but from “untouchable”

appointed officials such as Roeder?


Costa Mesa

Picking up shopping carts makes dollars and sense

Yes, 745 carts is a great start and I am glad that they are

finding the owners of the carts. Way to go Allan Roeder. I am a

stockholder in 99 Cents Only Stores, Home Depot, and Target, which

are all on Harbor Boulevard and the grocery carts cost quit a bit and

it takes money out of the stores profits.


