
Hope View teachers make McMoney Teachers at...

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Hope View teachers make McMoney

Teachers at Hope View Elementary School flipped patties and passed

out McNuggets last week as a fundraiser at McDonald’s on Goldenwest

Street and Yorktown Avenue.

The school earned 25% of McDonald’s sales from 4:30 to 8 p.m. on

Nov. 19, which will go directly into the classrooms, kindergarten

teacher Traci Jimenez said. The fundraiser netted $2,000 last year,

and though the figures aren’t in yet, Jimenez said the line was

consistently out the door once again.

“The kids can’t wait to see [teachers] making hamburgers and doing

other things they’re not used to seeing us doing,” Jimenez said. “The

parents really appreciate it too, and they come out in numbers to

support us.”

More than 30 teachers donned their Hawaiian Hope View shirts and

participated in the fundraiser, including Principal Leonard

Rodriguez, who handled the French fries.

Hope View will have its third McTeacher Night in the spring,

Jimenez said, and she hopes they’ll be able to lure Ronald McDonald

to a school assembly.

“Some people at McDonald’s said we’ve been their most profitable

school, so I’m sure they’re looking forward to working with us

again,” Jimenez said.

A Thanksgiving tribute at Carden

Children from preschool through junior high thanked waves, rain,

pilgrims and Native Americans, among other things, during a

Thanksgiving music program at a private school in Huntington Beach

Tuesday morning.

Students at Carden Conservatory Elementary and Junior High only

had about two weeks to rehearse for the program following their big

Veterans Day program, music director Maristela Murga said. Students

memorized and delivered quotes from George Washington, Samuel Adams,

Abraham Lincoln and Albert Schweitzer and sang patriotic songs that

gave thanks to their country.
