
Few voters appear ready for Congressman Dornan

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I have some serious questions about the current qualifications of Bob

Dornan. Briefly, how much time has he spent in our district getting

to know us since 1996? Is he even familiar with our local and

regional issues, and if so, what are his positions on them? Why does

he insist on representing Orange County? The man lives in Virginia;

why doesn’t he run there?

While I am not a fan of Dana Rohrabacher due to (in my opinion,

please) the questionable and unethical character of some of his

associates, at least he knows his district, its issues and its

constituency; and he has fairly represented us. Even so, what lousy



Mesa Verde

Dornan would never get my vote. I don’t like foul-mouth, obnoxious

people, and we sure don’t need them in our government.


Balboa Island

Of the numerous reasons not to vote for Bob Dornan, let me just

bring up the obvious: He doesn’t live in the district he wants to

represent. Legally, he doesn’t have to, but how well can he represent

an area where he doesn’t live. He has homes in the Washington, D.C.

area and Garden Grove and, according to the Los Angeles Times, he is

considering getting an apartment in Huntington Beach, as if he will

spend time there.

There was good reason for Reps. Chris Cox, Ron Packard, Ed Royce

and Rohrabacher not to support Dornan in his battle against Loretta

Sanchez. He was an embarrassment to Orange County and politics in

general, and they were wise to distance themselves from him.



I’d vote for Mickey Mouse before I’d support “B-1 Bob” Dornan!


Balboa Island

I am for Rohrabacher, not Dornan.


Newport Beach

No, I certainly would not [vote for Dornan]. I am a Newport Beach

resident. I certainly would not vote for him. I hope someone knocks

some sense into that man’s head. We don’t need that wild man again.


Newport Beach

I have lived in the Congressional District represented by Dana

Rohrabacher since 1968. I am a Democrat but I am willing to put

partisanship aside and to publicly endorse Dana Rohrabacher in his

effort to win his party nomination in March against Bob Dornan.

As a Democrat for Dana, I know that I will catch guff from

activists within my own party, but there is absolutely no way that I

will sit still and possibly allow Robert K. Dornan to represent me in

the United States Congress.


Costa Mesa

I am for Dana Rohrabacher. I don’t know what his [Dornan’s]

problem is, but he certainly doesn’t need to run against Dana. He

needs to run against someone else. Pick a Democrat, but not Dana. I

think he is going to find out that he is wasting his money, time and

resources of his family as well by getting involved in this race.


Costa Mesa

As a Democrat, I’d like to see Dornan get nominated in the

Republican primary because he is such an idiot, maybe the voters

would elect a Democrat, but on the other hand I don’t have much faith

in the voters either -- they’d probably elect him. Between the devil

you know and the devil you don’t know, I guess I’d keep Rohrabacher.


Newport Beach

Since Rohrabacher and Dornan are do-nothing windbags who are only

elected because their constituents want to prove to the world how

stupidly conservative Republican they are. What difference does it

make? Hopefully, somebody like Linda Sanchez will come along and boot

Rohrabacher out, and we will get on with life.


Costa Mesa

I would support Dana Rohrabacher over Bob Dornan.


Corona del Mar

Who would I support, Dornan or Rohrabacher? If I had to choose

between those two, Rohrabacher has my vote because Dornan is a Looney

Toons loose cannon.


Costa Mesa
