
Honoring friends and legends

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Today is one of those days you dream of as a kid growing up in Laguna

Beach, at least I did -- and still do. A day in which you wished you

could sing along with the birds.

All right enough of this poetic stuff let’s get on with it


We got a whole slew of thumbs up awards this week beginning with a

couple of special birthdays beginning with my father; none other than

“Dr. Pribram” himself who turned “104” last Sunday and my girlfriend

Dominique who turns “23” on Monday, Happy Birthday to you both.

Thumbs up to the Ocean Avenue Brewery for letting me back in!

On the flip side we have a couple of recent openings here in

Laguna beginning with the “West Coast Plasma TV gallery” located

Downtown on Broadway. Along with the opening of “Local T-N-T”

Treasures ‘N’ Tiques store located at 642 N. Coast Highway on Boat

Canyon. It’s great seeing more locals opening stores here in town,

keep up the good work and support our locally owned stores.

A big thumbs down: How can you premier a skim board movie about

Victoria Skimboards and not include the god father, inventor and

pioneer of skim boarding himself, Chris Henderson?

How quickly we forget. When I was young Henderson would come down

and put on a show for us. We would gather around speechless watching

him in awe. But more importantly he taught a whole generation or two

how to skim with class and dignity while being the best in his chosen

sport. An honor he would eventually hand over to Bill Bryan complete

with that ever-big smile of his.

Let’s not forget those who were before us.

