
A primary worth watching

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It’s probably the best Christmas present the Democrats can think of:

Two feisty conservative Republicans, Dana Rohrabacher and Robert

Dornan, scheduled for a heavyweight primary fight over who should

represent the 45th District congressional seat that is sure to leave

one of them a bit bloodied and bruised by next November.

It seems a bit crazy considering the lock conservatives have on

the 45th.

And it probably couldn’t come at a worse time for Rohrabacher, who

would rather spend his time worrying about the impending birth of his

three children (his wife Rhonda is expecting triplets), than hitting

the fundraising trail to come up with a enough money to withstand

Dornan’s verbal punches that are sure to come.

“This is all based on ego and an old grudge, and I’m sorry that he

doesn’t remember any of the positive fights that we had while we were

on the same team,” Rohrabacher said.

Still, Rohrabacher has proven to be unbeatable when it comes to

taking on those from the other side of the aisle, crushing opponent

after opponent since his election in 1988 with a formidable

right-wing hook of his own.

Democrats are always seen as running an “energized” bout, but

aside from a few left jabs and the time Democrat and octogenarian

Sally Alexander challenged the self-described surfing congressman to

a Boogie boarding showdown at the Huntington Beach Pier, they’ve all

been solid knockouts.

You can throw all that out now with Dornan coming to town.

It looks like a grudge match, as old “B-1 Bob” is planning to hit

“Surfing Dana” right where it counts -- in his campaign war chest.

While Dornan has been out of the political scene for some time,

chances are he’s going to be a little bit out of shape when the match

takes place. But Rohrabacher won’t be able to leave anything to

chance taking on such a GOP pit bull as Dornan.

This has all the makings of a bruising fight. We’re eager to see

who can take the best body blows.
