
Rangers may issue tickets

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June Casagrande

Park abusers who play music too loudly, drink liquor or build illegal

fires could soon get slapped with fines from $100 for a first offense

to $500 for later offenses.

Council members tonight will consider whether to give the city’s

two park rangers power to issue citations for a range of common


But their new muscle, if granted by the council, would take a back

seat to their main role -- educating park users to prevent further

violations, city Recreation and Senior Services Director Marie Knight


“Their most important job will continue to be education,” said

Knight, whose department has recommended that that council award the

citation powers to the park rangers.

The plan would give the rangers power to issue citations for

violations such as noise or liquor, for violating terms of

special-event permits and for parking violations.

Parking citations will parallel those throughout the city, with

varying penalties depending on the offense.

“We just feel it makes sense for them to be able to issue parking

citations rather than call parking enforcement to do it because

they’re already there at the parks,” Knight said.

City Councilman John Heffernan said he supports the move as a way

to make best use of crowded parks.

“Our parks are overused, so somebody’s got to be sheriff there,”

Heffernan said. “Especially because there are a lot of kids using


But Mayor Tod Ridgeway said he wants to take a closer look at the

item before deciding on whether to approve it.

“I need to know exactly what type of power we’re talking about

giving them, because power can be abused,” Ridgeway said.

The ranger program was created last year, in large part to help

with an increasing number of scuffles over playing fields. The

program is self-supporting, Knight said, with increased fees covering

the cost of the two part-time patrol people. The rangers began work

in October, visiting parks throughout the day to check permits,

monitor for abuses and respond to complaint calls.

If the council approves tonight’s action, not all of the citations

issued will carry fines. Rangers will also be able to issue

administrative citations that serve as warnings.

* JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She

may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at
