
What is the most pressing issue in...

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What is the most pressing issue in the state? In Newport-Mesa?

State: Out-of-control Sacramento spending and resultant budget

crisis aggravated by out-of-control illegal immigration.

Local: impact of out-of-control state spending on local tax base,

crippling efforts to roll back teenage/youth drug use and efforts to

address substandard education.

How will you be able to address the concerns of Newport-Mesa in


The exact same way I did for years representing Orange County in

Congress. With the best constituent service in the California

delegation -- top-notch staff of dedicated public servants. My

reputation in Congress as a “hard- worker-second-to-none” was earned

the hard way -- through long hours.

What makes you the best person for the job?

Never took influence-peddling tainted donations. Self-evident life

experience defending faith, family and freedom as a husband, dad,

grandfather, pilot, U.S. Air Force officer and

communicator/broadcaster. World-traveled beyond any current member as

journalist/House intelligence committee member.

What one thing would you hope to accomplish while in office?

With wisdom and scholarship to bring my life experience to bear in

the no-end-in-sight war on terror. “Knowing your enemy” is a powerful


How do you see yourself working with your party, in Congress and

with the White House?

My two best friends in Congress are chairmen -- Chairman of Armed

Services Duncan Hunter, Chairman of International Affairs Henry Hyde.

Personal relationship with the Bush family equal to any member of


How do you rate the federal government’s handling of homeland

security? What else can be done, if anything, to make the U.S. more

secure from terrorism?

Qualified B grade. The government’s best moves at preventing

another attack must be kept secret, therefore, history may give Pres.

Bush and Attorney General John Ashcroft an A+.

Our U.S. government must tell the total truth about the extent

throughout the Muslim world -- Morocco to Mindanao -- of hate-filled

anti-West radical Islamic teaching through schools and their press.

Anti-Semitism has surpassed the Hitler gang’s lying and libel.

What’s your opinion of the president’s proposed guest worker

program? How should the federal government address illegal


Any Democrat “proposals” are nightmarishly worse, but the

administration “proposal” is so badly flawed that it would create an

accelerated invasion beyond what the politicians “tolerate” now. This

proposal would begin another move across all our borders with the

migratory magnetic force of gravity -- it has already begun. Ask our

thin line of border control officers. We must repair our border

integrity whatever the price, it would be preventative fiscal sanity.

Is there too much spending in the president’s budget proposal? How

can the deficit be reduced, and should Americans be concerned about


Federal spending is explosive and beyond precedent (and that does

not include Iraq and Afghanistan liberation costs.) Congress is on a

spending binge. I swear I will work tirelessly to stop and roll back

discretionary spending increases.
