
What is the most pressing issue in...

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What is the most pressing issue in the state? In Newport-Mesa?

The most pressing issue in the state is illegal immigration and

its drain on taxpayers and the state economy. The state budget is in

crisis, but if we were to stop the flow of illegal immigration and

the impact on law enforcement, insurance rates and health and welfare

benefits, it would go a long way to help balance the state budget.

The Newport-Mesa area suffers as much from this problem as any other


What is the best solution to the state’s budget crisis?

First, higher taxes is not the answer. The state has a spending

problem, not a revenue problem. We must cut the state’s expenditures

through eliminating waste, redundancy and fraud. We must also stand

up to the trial lawyers lobby. The costs of frivolous lawsuits are

driving up the cost of everything from workers compensation to auto

insurance to law enforcement.

Assuming the Legislature stays in Democratic hands, how will you

work with the majority party?

I will represent all the people of the 68th Assembly District, not

special interests. I will stand up for conservative principles and

accountability in government. I think that even the Democrats will

have to respect someone who stands on principle.

What makes you the best person for the job?

I have the most experience in public service -- as a 14-year

member of my City Council and as an elected board member of the

Municipal Water District of Orange County before that. I have worked

on local and regional issues for many years and have been endorsed by

over 100 local officials in Costa Mesa, Newport Beach and surrounding

communities. My Republican Party leadership has earned me the “Local

Elected Official of the Year” award from the Orange County Republican

Party and selection by President George W. Bush’s campaign to

represent him as a California Delegate to the Republican National


What one thing would you hope to accomplish while in office?

I hope to stem the flow of illegal immigration into California and

to abolish the attitude in state government that we should reward

lawbreakers, whether it be drivers licenses for illegals or marriage

licenses for gay weddings. We must respect the law and the will of

the people and bring conservative principles to state government.
