
Peeking IN

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Suzie Harrison

Some do it in places au natural or behind closed doors -- there are

those who prefer to do it in groups while others prefer being alone.

Some use metal, others glass, still some use a palette -- what they

all have in common is their ability to create.

The public can get a peek into the lives of Laguna Beach artists

through the Sawdust Art Studio Tour, Saturday and Sunday. The tour

will showcase private art studios and in some cases the artist’s

home, with more than 40 artists participating in different areas of

Laguna Beach.

Sawdust Marketing and community relations manager, Rebecca Meekma,

said the event gives a rare opportunity into the inner-sanctum of

Laguna artists and shares with the public Laguna’s active artist


Artist Debby Carman finds it to be a one-of-a-kind experience.

“It’s so reinforcing. People want to see the artists accessible,

to see what we do and appreciate it,” Carman said. “They can see

hands-on, where we work, how we produce [our work] and watch it


Transportation from the Sawdust Art Festival grounds to all the

studios will be provided. There are four areas to visit -- central

Laguna, North Laguna and the canyon where some of the oldest studios

and homes exist. Also on the tour is a collective of artists called

Laguna Canyon Artists, where a plethora of individual studios are

side by side.

On the central tour, Michael Hallinan and his wife Cathy have

their studio where both paint and she creates Santos dolls.

Also centrally located is found-object artist James Koch, who

creates sculptures. He opens his home and sculpture garden to guests

and does demonstrations of his work, sometimes creating his popular


Carman specializes in colorful ceramics. Her studio is an

explosion of color and clay waiting to be painted. She has a gallery

in town but her studio is in the canyon.

“I create whimsical work, dog bowls, sculptures and pattern

plates,” Carman said.

The North Tour, which takes people to Iris Adams’ home atop a

steep hill, shows off her great collection of art as a well-known

painter. She enjoys giving a clear demonstration of how she creates

her work in watercolors with detailed landscape and colorful flowers.

In their studios while they work, artists can share their

techniques and people can buy the art directly from them.

Tracey Moscaritolo has a studio on the famed gallery row in North

Laguna. Her acrylic paintings are vibrant in color and exude a sense

of peace, while capturing nature’s serene places, such as fields,

streams, mountains and oceans.

On the canyon tour, Ralph Tarzian has a backdrop of the beautiful

canyon and a studio filled with castings and tools used to make his


Woodworker Randy Bader lives up against the canyon, near some

historic homes.

“I’ve never missed a year, I’ve done this 13 years,” Bader said.

“I do it as a payback for people -- that part that people feel, so

they can get an inside look at an artist.”

He said he does it to give to the community, it’s not what it

gives him -- rather it’s the feeling the viewer gets from him and

what they get out of the tour.

“With modern society everything is moving at a breakneck pace,

it’s nice for people to see art isn’t that way,” Bader said. “You

have to make it.”

He said with his woodworking, everything he does is a

one-of-a-kind original, which he starts from scratch every time. He

said that it’s a slow process.

Since there are many studios to visit, this is the second year the

tour has been extended to two days. To attend both days the cost is

$65, a one-day pass is $45 and seniors pay $40.

The Sawdust Art Studio Tour meets at 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at 935 Laguna Canyon Road. Attendees can start with complimentary mimosas,

Danishes and coffee.

Saturday’s tour is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. followed by a reception

until 6 p.m. with refreshments and hors d’oeuvres with the eclectic

contemporary band “Pi” performing. Sunday’s tour is from 10 a.m. to 3

p.m. also with a reception from 3 to 5 p.m. with the pop, soft rock

duo Beth and Kim performing. For tickets or information, call (949)

