
Singing away little nuisances

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“Along my journey toward getting to know God, I have discovered some

of what He wants for me. I think He wants the same for you. He wants

us to approach Him with confidence, and He wants us to know and

experience Him as the Creator of our souls.”


This column is about cereal and singing. It’s also about bikes and

bugs. It includes some heat and hills too. Best of all, it’s about

God, His grace and the creative way He used situations in putting

this column into print and into your newspaper. Before I continue, I

must admit it’s also about my embarrassment.

I’ll start with cereal. My husband Jon and I both enjoyed a mix of

several cereals at breakfast recently. There are so many tasty kinds,

and we like to eat an assortment. After he left for work, I worked on

this column before leaving for a bike ride, and then off to a busy

day. I looked over something I’d written the day before, but I

deleted as much as I wrote. I felt frustrated, so I stopped, listened

to the birds singing, looked at the beauty outside and headed out. I

knew it was going to be a warm day, so the earlier I exercised the


It was gorgeous and sunny, flowers were blooming everywhereand I

reached a point where I could see the ocean and incredible views in

every direction. I began singing out loud the chorus to the wonderful

old hymn, “How Great Thou Art.”

The minute I did my best to hit the last word on the correct note,

a bug flew into my mouth. Actually it seemed more like a swarm of

little gnats. I coughed, tried to spit them out and continued my

ride. The temperature continued to climb as I slowly made my way up a

hill that seemed longer and far steeper than I recalled it being the

last time I’d ridden.

I reached another view spot, stopped, drank some water, and

thanked God for who He is and for the new day. I also thanked Him

that I could trust that He has a purpose for everyone and everything

He created. Then I paused and asked Him why I struggled so much with

this particular column. I knew the answer instantly, became

embarrassed, and headed home. I kept my mouth closed to avoid bugs,

but inwardly I prayed, apologized that I had tried to write without

listening better to God, not only the Creator of my soul, but the One

I want to honor in the column.

I came home and spent time with God before returning to my

computer. I felt His forgiveness, and I sensed His guidance when I

faced the waiting computer screen.

I sang as I wrote, free of bugs, and freely enjoying the fact that

God is great and we can be confident, deep into our souls, that He

loves us.

And you can quote me on that.

* CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beach resident who speaks

frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached via e-mail at or through the mail at 537 Newport Center Drive,

Box 505, Newport Beach, CA 92660.
