
A public endorsement awakened

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In response to Geoff West’s letter to the editor Sunday (“Criticism

shows man behind the curtain”), I really don’t know where to start.

West’s claims are not only ridiculous but are also a libelous

personal attack against my character and that of Eric Bever. I was

surprised that the Pilot even printed such unsubstantiated baloney

that tries to paint me, Chris Steel and Eric Bever as a group that

does M.H. Millard’s bidding.

Quite honestly, I was not even going to get involved in this

upcoming election, but when someone questions my character with

unfounded rhetoric, that’s going too far. Everyone knows I am friends

with Eric Bever and that I would like to see him win, but I would

have to work with whoever gets elected, so I was not going to endorse


West has changed all of that. When Eric Bever decides to make his

official campaign announcement, he has my full support and

endorsement. I think West’s comments tell us a lot about himself and

the candidates he will support this fall.

So, let’s have a look at some of the candidates and the issues

that will be coming before us very shortly. After all, even Daily

Pilot Managing Editor S.J. Cahn said recently that during the last

election the issues were not addressed sufficiently.

West argued that Eric Bever and Chris Steel will “carry his

(Millard’s) banner,” and that along with Allan Mansoor they would

“implement his grand plan for the expulsion of Latino immigrants in

our midst.”

Even West’s letter acknowledged that “Millard’s letter clearly

shows his viewpoint.” For the record, it is illegal immigration of

any type that I am against, and I have complete respect for people of

any national origin when they come here legally, as both of my

parents did. I believe Eric Bever holds the same view.

I have also disagreed with Millard on numerous issues and been the

focal point of his criticism, as has Eric Bever. But let’s get back

to the candidates and the issues, and where we differ. I say the

following with complete respect for anyone who runs for office, but I

am going to call it like I see it. West mentioned Chris Steel. Let me

just come out and say it. I cannot and will not support Chris Steel.

Chris Steel has flip-flopped on so many issues I cannot keep


First, he was for 1901 Newport, then against a revised version of

it. Now, he’s voted for it again. Mr. Steel will bring an issue

forward and then vote against it. He will say something like: “I

don’t like this, but I am going to vote for it anyway” or “I like

this but I am not going to vote for it.”

This goes on with so many issues, and West wants to align Eric

Bever and me with that? West has to be either joking or desperate.

West has expressed support for Bruce Garlich and given his reasons

why. Now, I like and respect Garlich, but the issues and voting

record are fair game. I have great concern that he supported the

double-density 1901 Newport project and the Kohl’s big-box,

traffic-increasing department store, as did Katrina Foley. Garlich

described himself as a fiscal conservative and a social moderate. If

you continue to increase spending on government social programs, how

is that fiscally conservative? Many Latinos are socially

conservative with pro-life and pro-family beliefs. How does a social

moderate represent their views?

So this brings us to Eric Bever, and why I am supporting him. I

have gotten to know Eric Bever over the past few years. He is well

respected and has demonstrated a high level of intellect while on the

Planning Commission.

He is very reasonable and sensible on development issues as well

as property rights. He has a clear grasp of the issues, does his

homework, and is a man of his word. Eric lives on the Westside, which

is the most diverse part of the city.

He was raised to treat everyone with respect and applies that

quality of character in his daily life. Eric has a pro-family ethic

and believes in equal rights, not special rights. Eric is strong on

Costa Mesa’s quality-of-life issues, such as reasonable development

to minimize traffic impacts and airport issues that affect the quiet

enjoyment of homes. He sees the importance of focusing on

infrastructure and street repair and places a high value on reducing


These are only a few of the reasons why I support Eric Bever for

Costa Mesa City Council. West has strengthened my resolve. I now know

more than ever that Eric Bever is right for Costa Mesa.

* ALLAN MANSOOR is a Costa Mesa City Councilman.
