
A dedicated woman

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The Laguna Beach Woman’s Club honored Marsha Bode on June 5 for her

dedication to the community. Friends, family and admirers gathered at

the clubhouse on St. Ann’s Drive for the annual luncheon, at which

Bode was named the Woman of the Year. Bode is one of the club’s own.

She has served as president, vice president and treasurer.

“We are proud and lucky to have garnered her experience and

talents on our own board of directors in every position available and

many positions more than once,” said outgoing club President Veronica

Nice. “Marsha has spent every Christmas for the past 10 years not

only helping Santa prepare for her three children and two

grandchildren, but also preparing for many low-income families -- up

to 500 people -- to have a happy Christmas as well.”

Bode, mother of grown children Sarah, Matt and Daniel, organizes

the Christmas Family Day at the club, when needy families can pick

out Christmas presents from the donations collected by the members.

“With the guidance of Marsha, many elves and the Episcopal Service

Alliance, this event has been held at the club since 1994,” Nice


“We thank you, Marsha for your efforts to keep Laguna a warm,

wonderful and beautiful place for all of us.”

Bode, whose parents built a home in Laguna in 1970, has been on

the spot wherever she was needed since she made her permanent home

her in 1989.

“I have never witnesses such calm competence,” Jane Egly said.

“Marsh just gets things done.”

Bode served as site director of the Episcopal Service Alliance

Community Care Center in South Laguna until the center closed in

town. The homeless, the jobless and low-income families who came to

the center could take a shower, get a bite to eat and count on Bode’s

moral support.

“Marsha changed the attitude of the Laguna Beach Police Department

toward the homeless,” said Police Chief James Spreine. She put a face

on them and we learned to see them as people because of her.”

Bode was one of the first volunteers to offer her services after

the 1993 Fire Storm. That led to the position of director of the Fire

Relief Coalition Service Center.

She also has volunteered her time to the city’s committees for

recreation, affordable housing and human affairs and parking, traffic

and circulation. She was a member of the Landscape Task Force and a

volunteer with the Laguna Relief and Resource Center.

A stint as a Friends of Hortense Miller Gardens docent led to the

position of garden manager in 1995 and she writes The Garden


“She is very involved in keeping one of Laguna’s treasures growing

and healthy,” Nice said. “If you haven’t gotten a tour, now you know

who to go to.”

Gardens docent Marv Johnson attended the luncheon to honor Bode.

He is married to club member Anne Johnson, who has served for five

years on the recreation committee with Bode and on the club board..

“I have never seen Marsha say or do anything that would hurt

anyone,” Johnson said. “Although she might dismiss the label, she is

a perfect lady in the best meaning of the term.

“She is what we should all aim for: to help the less fortunate, to

make the community a better place and to serve quietly and

effectively. I admire her immensely and have always been in awe of

her tireless commitment to the invisible people in our affluent


Mayor Cheryl Kinsman presented Bode with a city proclamation

recognizing her contributions. Councilwomen Toni Iseman and Elizabeth

Pearson added their plaudits.

“It was the nicest event I have attended at the club,” Pearson


Sara Riahi, who is expecting the birth of her first child any day,

organized the luncheon. As always for club events, Cossie Mechling

arranged the flowers.

Renee Kogel, originator of the club’s Woman of the Year Award came

from out of town to attend the event. Past President Jenny Goodno

flew in from Hawaii.

The event was a sell-out. Every group with which Marsha as ever

been associated was represented.” Marsha’s goodness and the love

people fill for her just filled the room.” said club member Sande St.

John, a previous recipient of the award.


Sandy Thornton, who has been visiting friends in the Netherlands

since January, will be coming home in July. Son, Billy, a Laguna

Beach High School graduate, is to be married July 31 in Las Vegas.

“So I’ll be home in time to get a dress, a facial and have my hair

and nails done,” wrote Thornton.

No big surprise: Thornton has filled some of her time in the

Netherlands by volunteering. She serves tea, coffee and sympathy to

residents in a facility who cannot leave their rooms.

“They love trying to speak to me [few speak English] and are

always giving me candy.” Thornton wrote. She watched a special on

surfing, which included “The Endless Summer” and an interview with

film producer Greg McGillivray.

“It was fun to watch,” she wrote

Thornton has climbed a windmill, visited the dykes and the Red

Light District in Amsterdam. She poked her nose in a coffee “pot”

shop and right back out again and looked forward to seeing the tulips

in full bloom. While in Amsterdam, Thornton attended Middle East

demonstrations at the Peace Palace, where she introduced herself to

the Secretary of Israel Affairs and thanked him for his hard work.

She also met a man who had been liberated by America from a German

concentration camp where he had been incarcerated because he hid

Jewish children from the Nazis.

“He thanked me and I said, ‘No, I thank you for your wonderful

deeds,’” Thornton wrote. There are no strangers in Thornton’s life.

* OUR LAGUNA is a regular feature of the Laguna Beach Coastline

Pilot. Contributions are welcomed. Write to Barbara Diamond, P.O. Box

248, Laguna Beach, 92652; hand-deliver to 384 Forest Ave., Suite 22;

call (949) 494-4321 or fax (949) 494-8979.
