
My path practically chose itself

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Well the fish have come and gone for a day or two -- at least for

this week’s column. Gone with the brand new north wind that blew in

today for the first time in weeks. I was taught at a very young age

that the south wind was our friend who sent us warm water and almost

daily sunshine came along with it.

But it was the cruel north wind that brought us that undesirable

cold water and perhaps a marine layer or two to boot.

Reflection. Summer is certainly creeping upon us very quickly and

school is almost out. Some will graduate and some will become

soon-to-be-freshman. There is nothing like spending your summer days

here in Laguna Beach.

I can remember my first years I spent down at Pearl Street Beach

just tormenting the lifeguards with pee bombs and ice plant wars. My

dad used to get so mad at me it was insane. I would have to tuck my

tail between my legs and have to deal with the consequences.

But as much torment as I dished on the lifeguards, they were all

big brothers to me in one way or another and my mom never had to

worry because she knew I was in good hands.

I lived on the beach and not just any beach. It was Pearl Street.

Still is today. My favorite part of this town is that beach and

the friendships that were made there.

The “Arch” is probably one of the prettiest sights in our town. A

place that forever changed my life. The exact place where I learned

how to surf and the reason why I teach surfing today.

The ocean and that particular beach is where I learned the most

about life and the different paths that one can take. Some are better

than others and some can just flat out be the wrong one. I’ve seen

many choose that wrong one and wonder why.

Decisions -- how to make the right decisions? The question goes

too deep to address completely here, nor I am I qualified to do so.

I was lucky because the path that I chose through surfing was the

same path that always kept me from choosing the wrong one.

Choose your own path.

