
‘Under God’ should stay in Pledge I...

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‘Under God’ should stay in Pledge

I would like to say that “under God” should stay in the Pledge of

Allegiance. American history and culture were founded on beliefs in

religion and God. The words were put there by people who we elected

and respected. So why change a good thing?


Huntington Beach

We’re pledging to the country not God

Since we are pledging our allegiance to the United States of

America, I see no reason to bring God into the picture. I said the

Pledge of Allegiance without God every morning from 1950 to 1954 and was just as patriotic as I am today.


Huntington Beach

Main Street is a treasure just as it is

Main Street is a treasure. And I am baffled by the reasoning

behind anyone wanting change it.

Main Street is Surf City. It has its own unique personality. And

the characters, hot rods, choppers, bikinis and bars have defined it

for more than 40 years. It is an icon. Surf City is known worldwide

and is a mecca for young people from all over Orange County on a

weekly basis. The local business’ depend on those people. And our

local population cannot support those business’ alone.

What is most exciting about Surf City for all of us, young and

old, is the daily parade of unusual characters cruising in extremely

unusual vehicles. The daily parade is a magnet for customers from all

over Orange County. And you can’t have a parade without a street. If

you take away the street, the parade will go away. And then Surf City

will be just another lazy, boring coastal town.

If you achieve your goal, what’s next, piped in Muzak? Or how

about a new jingle? C’mon sing along ... “Well we’re going to Surf

Plaza, gonna have some fun, we’re going to Surf Plaza where it’s two

to one ... “

Danette Goulet, I’m sorry but I just can’t go along with your

experiment. Your gamble would sound interesting and legitimate if you

had anything to lose.

But you are gambling with other people’s livelihoods. And you are

threatening my source of entertainment.


Huntington Beach

Thank you for the crosses on the beach

I’m writing in praise of the Arlington West Project (“Opinions

crossing over pier memorial,” May 27.) Thank you to all the veterans

of peace and volunteers for giving us this moving, thought-provoking

project. We are thousands of miles away from an insane war. People

are dying on both sides. Open people eyes and make them think. It is

whatever you want it to be. It is a beautiful piece of art, it is a

memorial or maybe it is a way to think that war is a waste of lives

and we shouldn’t have gone into Iraq in the first place. Arlington

West is in Santa Monica, Santa Barbara, Oceanside and Huntington

Beach and is being planned in so many other cities. Are we so

isolated in Huntington Beach that we cannot face looking at something

that actually makes people think and perhaps question their

government? Thank you veterans of peace, you have succeeded so well

in your heartbreakingly beautiful memorial. Everyone should be so

proud of what you have done, to open people’s minds. Thank you again.


Huntington Beach

Appointment a slap in locals’ face

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger appointing Lucy Dunn to state office is

a real slap in the face to those who have worked and fought so hard

for so long to protect Bolsa Chica Wetland and Mesa from Dunn’s

developers. If the government had done a little checking, they would

have discovered that she has one agenda, and that is to help pave

over Bolsa Chica and any other undeveloped land in California. We can

only hope that she will not be confirmed by the legislature. Thank



Huntington Beach

Residents shouldn’t foot condo bills

Residents should not have to pay for the costs of converting their

apartments to condos. They bought in good faith after going through

the legal process as required. It is the contractors, real estate

brokers and title insurance people who processed these conversions,

sales and escrows who should be held responsible. Thank you.


Huntington Beach

People who sold property should pay

In your article, (“Condo owners fuming,” June 3) you say that the

new owners are going to have to pay a fee. I don’t understand why the

sellers of these illegal condos are not made to pay that fee and

possibly prosecuted on criminal charges for selling illegal things.

Thank you.


Huntington Beach
