
Other than a few errors, commentary was...

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Other than a few errors, commentary was clean

This letter is in response to Maxine Cohen’s commentary on June 25

titled “Wash tiffs away with a Platinum Rule.” As the owner of Beach

Cities Car Wash, I was pleasantly surprised to see her mention my car

wash in her opening paragraph. I do feel, however, that I need to

clarify some erroneous statements she made regarding our facilities.

First of all, we have been in business for 11 months, not two years.

We also accept, along with cash, all major credit cards, including

American Express, as well as checks and ATM. We have done this since

the beginning.

I am not sure when Ms. Cohen visited the car wash, but the front

portion of the building, which we have no control over, was not just

“gutted” but is in the process of becoming a retail store called

“Daniesse,” which is a subsidiary of Ducate Motorcycles. They should

be opening any day now, much to our excitement.

While we do still have the “same hard concrete benches” out front

to sit on (I am working on getting cushions for those), I also have

an indoor waiting area with a sofa and a TV. I am assuming that Ms.

Cohen didn’t visit us on a weekend, as she didn’t mention our free

coffee and doughnuts.

While I realize that Ms. Cohen’s excellent article was in reality

not about car washes, but about relationships, I still would have

enjoyed hearing whether we did a good job on her car, as well as her

friend Sam’s.


Newport Beach

Expanding church delivers flowery show of appreciation

Although I do not live in the neighborhood, I have been following

the expansion of St. Andrew’s Church. What is apparent is the

arrogance and lack of Christian sensitivity the church has to the

needs of those living in the neighborhood. But then, why should they?

They don’t live in the area and will not be impacted by the increased

traffic and noise caused by the expansion.

Compare St. Andrew’s action to that of the Rock Harbor Church,

which had been holding services in the Costa Mesa Senior Center and

also needed to expand. After their last service in the senior center,

members went out into the surrounding neighborhood with flowers,

giving them to residents as a thank you, in appreciation for the

putting up with any inconveniences that they might have caused.

My, what a difference.


Costa Mesa

Voter shows steely support for Costa Mesa councilman

No voice alone is enough to lift any candidate to reelection, but

it is my honor to support Councilman Chris Steel in his effort to win

reelection in November.

Councilman Steel’s support helped pass a council resolution

supporting a proposed state conservancy to help pretty up the Santa

Ana River.

And while I may not agree with the forcefulness by which the

gentlemen presses the question of illegal immigration and its impact

on the city, still, the councilman clearly speaks for a vast majority

within the community who are concerned about the issue.

No public servant is perfect, but the gentleman seems to genuinely

look out for the best interest of the community, whether it is to

enhance Fairview Park, pretty up the river that runs through our city

or ensure a clear policy on city services to immigrants. I support

Chris Steel and will proudly stand with him in his reelection.


Costa Mesa

Graduates simply displayed the essence of their faith

It is a pity how easily hatred penetrates through fanatic

defamation organizations.

The simple event that UCI graduates were wearing stoles with the

essence of their faith printed on them was totally seen by a

political and hateful perspective and blown out of proportion by the



