
Tyler J. Blackney, son of Diane...

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Tyler J. Blackney, son of Diane and Gary D. Blackney of Newport

Beach, recently participated in the U.S. Naval Academy’s weeklong

summer seminar program in Annapolis, Md. Blackney, a student at

Newport Harbor High School, was introduced to academy life through a

regimen of academics, physical training, intramural sports, sailing,

leadership training and social activities ... Navy Petty Officer

First Class William R. Adams, son-in-law of Costa Mesa residents Ruth

and Philip L. Gross, and Navy Airman Cecilia M. Flores, daughter of

Mary Flores of Newport Beach and Charles Vivero of Long Beach, are

two of more than 3,000 sailors aboard the Navy’s newest

nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. The USS Ronald Reagan is making a

two-month journey around the tip of South America. It recently

departed from Norfolk, Va., to transit to its official home port at

Naval Air Station, North Island, San Diego ... Air Force Airman

Jessie E. Adams, a 2003 graduate of Estancia High School, graduated

from the U.S. Air Force Honor Guard Technical Training School at

Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, D.C. In a six-week training

period, she learned self-discipline, uniform care, ceremonial

marching and proper handling of a fully-functional M-1A1 rifle ...

Robert Martin Cole, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Cole of Newport Beach;

Farshid Mohammed Kazi, son of Wallid Kazi of Costa Mesa; and Brian

Thomas Singer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Singer of Newport Beach,

each received bachelor of arts degrees from Brown University in

Providence, R.I. Cole, Kazi and Singer received their degrees in

biology, biomedical ethics and engineering, respectively.
