
Feel free to question the Plant Man

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Steve Kawaratani

“If we weren’t frustrating sometimes and we weren’t strict about the

guidelines that have been established, then Laguna Beach would not be

Laguna Beach.”


“The citizen who criticizes his country is paying it an implied



I have enjoyed living in Laguna for more than 50 years, and

although lots of changes have occurred, Laguna still remains Laguna

to me.

Growing up, I held a lot of affection for our Uncle Sam -- I still

do. I recall that I rated him just slightly below Santa Claus, the

Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. In retrospect, I am sure this

occurred only because the latter brought me presents, chocolate eggs

and dimes, respectively.

The strength of this nation is based on the fact that we are

guaranteed free speech. Uncle Sam guarantees that. We have the right

to criticize or question our leaders from George Bush to Mayor Cheryl

Kinsman. And once a month in Laguna, you can even question the Plant


Q: Do you believe that the Design Review Board makes arbitrary


A: Actually, the members are not arbitrary at all. They strive to

make decisions, based on the municipal code and zoning and design

review guidelines when reviewing a proposed project, on a

case-by-case basis. The goal is to approve projects that address

views, privacy and compatibility within a particular neighborhood.

Of course, many other factors may need to be considered during the

process. The process, although sometimes frustrating, helps to

maintain Laguna’s unique character.

Q: Help please! What is the magic formula that wipes out mildew on


A: It is almost magical the way 1.5 tablespoons of baking soda,

0.5 teaspoons of Ultra Fine oil, and one gallon of water will control

powdery mildew. Repeat the spray at intervals of seven to 10 days if

mildew reappears.

Q: What happens if I trim all of the surface roots of my trees?

A: If the tree has not been watered properly (and it probably

hasn’t if you have lots of surface roots) the results may be fairly

simple ... the tree could fall down and crush a car.

Q: Dear Plant Man, I’m not having much success with our

bougainvilleas on our deck. The main problem is slow growth, loss of

leaves in winter, and leaves that are light green and curled with red

veins. Got any ideas?

A: Bougainvillea will exhibit the symptoms you have described for

a number of reasons. Sunny, windless locations, large diameter pots

(28-inch minimum), and monthly feedings may eliminate your plant’s


Q: Dear Plant Man, I have set my cannas out into the soil. They’re

sending their shoots and as fast as they appear the ends or centers

of the shoot get chewed off. Is this a sign of slugs and if it is,

what can I do to prevent this?

A: Cannas are susceptible to a number of pests, including slugs.

Their damage is recognizable by jagged holes on the edge of the

leaves. Other leaf-feeding insects include grasshoppers, beetles, and

caterpillars. Look for tell tale signs of insect frass (excrement) on

the top of leaves, and look on the undersides for insects. Consult

with your local nursery for specific control recommendations.

Q: Plant Man, how do I get hyacinths to produce directly from

bulbs? I recently brought back bulbs from Holland, but as Catharine

says, “I want more bulbs.”

A: Hyacinths are propagated commercially in either of two ways:

Some growers make a cross cut on the lower surface of the bulbs when

they are taken up after flowering, and the bulbs then split, forming

many small bulbs along the scales. Other growers hollow out the bases

to allow new bulbs to form. You may wish to check with your supplier

on what techniques they recommend.

Q: What should I feed my Sago palm?

A: My father, Pete, always recommended using blood meal. It

release nutrients to plants evenly and slowly. And of course, his

Sago palms were beautiful!

Catharine and I always look forward to the Fourth of July ... we

can see the fireworks display at Main Beach and other surrounding

communities from the comfort of our deck. We’ll toast America on her

birthday with Lynn and James. Then we’ll kick back and enjoy the

show. It’s going to be a great summer in Laguna! See you next time.

* STEVE KAWARATANI is a local guy and avid gardener. He is married

to his muse, Catharine Cooper, and has two cats. He can be reached at

(949) 497-2438 or at
