
Mixed reactions to commentary

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While rushing through my morning coffee, I saw the Community

Commentary on patriotism by Sue Clark. I was touched by what she said

about the kids at Creekside High School -- about them being

altruistic and about the less-affluent kids being the ones who are

most willing to defend us with their lives. Is that why we don’t hear

more outrage about this war?

Are these kids expendable or part of the trade-off for our SUVs?

I, too, have seen the movie “Fahrenheit 9/11.” I left the theater

speechless and emotionally drained. I am saddened to live in a

country where my government can get away with such an extreme abuse

of power. I do not feel any safer and in no way support this alleged


I do, however, support my right to free speech and would suggest

to our current government that it would get more bang for its buck by

educating our young adults rather than sending them off to fight, die

or possibly be damaged for life in a war -- for what? I still don’t



Newport Beach

Please, Sue, stick to your “neighborhood” articles, such as the

bee invasion, which I have enjoyed in the past.

Your commentary “Patriotism, ‘9/11’ and weighing the costs of war”

on Tuesday -- about how sad the movie “Fahrenheit 9/11” made you feel and how you don’t like the Fourth of July -- was mind-boggling to me.

Try to let go of your emotions and think rationally about what has

happened to this wonderful 228-year-old country in the last few


Think back to the Revolutionary War and the young men who died

fighting for freedom that they hadn’t even experienced yet. We

celebrate that hard-fought freedom every year on our country’s

birthday. If you don’t like that one day because you see drunken

people, and your dog gets scared, then you’d better go over again to

Germany and see how different it is now that the whole country is

free (thanks to President Ronald Reagan).

As for “Fahrenheit 9/11,” yes, it is hard to see people die. But

in case you weren’t aware, we are fighting a war, and war is not

pretty. Michael Moore’s movie is a piece of left-wing propaganda with

a Marxist slant throughout: the rich exploit the poor and use the war

to do so.

I just hope and pray that my family and all generations

forthcoming will be able to always celebrate the Fourth of July

freely. The fact that my cats cower for a while does not allay my

enthusiastic celebration because I know they’ll be bugging me for

food in their normal animalistic way early the next morning, none the

worse for wear!


Newport Beach
