
Council is more worried about symbols than cutting pork

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Councilman Allan Mansoor wrote a commentary Wednesday in the Daily

Pilot in which he attempts to justify his position opposing most

additional revenue sources (“Decision more than ideology”). I read

that commentary with great interest. I have watched my tape of the

council meeting on July 6 during which this subject was discussed at

length. Because Councilman Mike Scheafer was absent from the meeting,

it became obvious that not much would be done because of the deadlock

caused by Mansoor and Councilman Chris Steel digging in their heals.

Perhaps the most telling moment for me came when Mansoor made his

feelings crystal clear when he said he needed to see some cuts,

something symbolic, to show officials were serious about reducing

city expenses.

It sure sounded to me like he and Steel wanted the Job Center to

become that symbol.

I find it interesting that he seems to be more worried about

symbolism rather than finding new, practical sources of revenue for

this city at a time when previously dependable sources have come into


I, for one, am less interested in symbolism and more interested in

finding a way to pave our streets and hire more public safety

personnel, for example. With only our current funding sources

available, it will likely take most of a generation to get our

streets back above the Third World level that many of them look like

now. The kind of symbolism I’m looking for involves our council not

making any more bonehead moves that cost us money. No more lawsuits

created by their ineptitude. No more giving away our money to

developers. I can live with that kind of symbolism.

* GEOFF WEST is a resident of Costa Mesa.
