
Some justice in emptied pocketbook While it...

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Some justice in

emptied pocketbook

While it is a bit of a stretch, I have heard something positive

from Gregory Haidl’s various alleged antics. At the very least, his

parents will be parting with hundreds of thousands, if not millions

of dollars, in legal fees.

Some might object to who gets the money, but at least it is

costing them something. Despite reportedly having been wealthy,

coming up with a million or two in cash might pose a burden,

hopefully a heavy one, if there is any justice.


Newport Beach

Taco Bell more than

just a ‘protest’ site

Regarding vice-presidential candidate John Edwards’ visit to

Newport Beach Saturday, I can only assume that the Republicans

“protesting” his appearance at the Bay Club are upset at his

well-known call to end the division of the nation into “two Americas”

(“A candidate comes to town,” Sunday).

It is ironic that those Newport Beach Republicans were staging

their protest near a Taco Bell across from the club.

I’m quite sure they were not there to support the tomato

harvesters who help Taco Bell reap huge profits while they allegedly

earn sub-poverty wages and work under sweatshop conditions.

Taco Bell has been the target of a nationwide boycott to help

those workers. . I hope Edwards will lend his support to the tomato

harvesters. I have no hope that the Orange County Republicans will do



Costa Mesa

Resort a sign of

excess building

In regard to the Marinapark proposed hotel project on the Balboa

Peninsula, if I had a daughter who was a Girl Scout, I would really

think twice about allowing her to attend a meeting house that was

integrated with a hotel/timeshare facility.

And that’s just one reason I’m opposed to this (proposed) project.

The list goes on. It’s odd to me how developer Stephen Sutherland

seems to have the City Council wrapped around his little finger.

There is just too much building these days. Let’s have some fresh air

and blue sky.


Newport Beach

Lost troops a find for freedom in America

Forum letter-writer Peggy Calhoun said in the July 13 “Readers

Respond” that she will vote for John Kerry and John Edwards in

November to “save our country” and that she wants our troops home

from Iraq now.

Kerry and Edwards voted for the Iraqi war resolution, and they

have said they do not regret the votes.

While I too weep for our lost troops, I am also aware that the

defense of America and freedom has a high cost. You will drop by the

polling place on a sunny Newport day in November to cast your vote

for whomever you wish, but only because there have been brave young

men and women who have laid down their lives over the last 200-plus

years to preserve that right.

It has also taken leaders with courage and conviction to make the

hard decisions to put our troops in harm’s way. The easy and

politically smart play would have been to not go to war. President

Bush made the difficult decision because history has proven that

delaying conflict only increases the eventual cost of victory.

Real patriots become informed about what their government is

doing. I suggest you do so.


Newport Beach

Leave space alone, with no hotel, no ‘ka-ching’

I am not in favor of the proposed Marinapark resort.

I would hope that the city would have a little more sense than

purposely giving up a potential rare open space for a “Balboa Bay

Club-like” structure. Why on Earth would anyone want to put a hotel

in that location? Ridiculous. I suppose the word “ka-ching” is at the

bottom of it all.


Balboa Peninsula
