
Newspaper responsible for reporting truth Your newspaper...

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Newspaper responsible for reporting truth

Your newspaper needs to report the facts. You have accurately

reported on the Haidl trial and need to keep up the good work.

Where were the parents who allowed these teens frequent,

unchaperoned access to a beach house? I am appalled with their

behavior and lack of respect for each other.


Newport Beach

No hearings, no resolution, no peace

While I certainly respect that plans change, granting repeated

Planning Commission continuances to St. Andrew’s Church is


Let’s have the hearing! Not delay, delay, delay.

I changed plans for this week to be here on Thursday, and the

hearing on the church’s expansion proposal has been canceled again.

Rude, rude, rude.

If the church had an ounce of consideration, its leaders would

have gotten the message at all the previous meetings. The community

does not support the expansion plan.


Newport Beach

Coverage -- good, bad, ugly -- a public service

Regarding Wendy Leece’s Letter to the Editor Sunday (“Haidl

coverage went too far for a family newspaper”), Leece is certainly

entitled to her opinion, but I happen to disagree with it. I’ve

always looked at the Pilot as a community newspaper. In the Haidl et

al case, the Pilot has, in my opinion, responsibly and objectively

reported the facts, as painful as they may be. Ditto for the

post-trial activity and arrest.

It appears that the Pilot feels the truth needs to be told so that

the community can be protected from this type of transgression. This

is responsible journalism, and I agree with them.

The case will be decided by due process, but anyone reading

between the lines can see a much darker picture. A picture of gross

parental neglect. The parents of the alleged perpetrators, and sadly

of the alleged victims, are guilty of letting their spoiled children

loose in the community. It’s high time that the parents be “called

out” and the community be given an explanation, by them, of why they

shouldn’t be held accountable for this un-family-like behavior. Maybe

some parent, reading the graphic reports, will change the way they

are bringing up their children if it’s needed.

I am a grandfather with three married children, three

grandchildren and three step-grandchildren. I take this matter very

seriously. It can’t be swept under the carpet.

Thank you, Pilot, for keeping the community’s safety first and



Newport Beach

Area needs El Toro Airport option

Intentionally destroying the El Toro Airport would be an

irresponsible waste of taxpayers’ money. At the same time, the area

would lose a very valuable asset as a commercial airport, with its

potential to solve the future air transportation problems of Orange

County, as there are not other commercial airport sites in Orange


Without El Toro Airport, a big boost in revenue, job and business

opportunities and more convenient air transportation services for the

Orange County population will be lost.

Orange County can’t be forever beholden to Los Angeles County’s

commercial airports for the rapidly growing international air

transportation needs. Passengers can’t be forced to use the congested

freeway routes to obtain such service when the means for such service

is within the Orange County borders. Logical and sensible foresight

needs to be used instead of self-serving, non-beneficial interest.


Newport Beach

Jane Doe apparently lost in Haidl fallout

I am responding to Deepa Bharath’s story “D.A. calls jury-hiring

unheard of” on Tuesday.

While all the attorneys are worrying about protecting the rights

of prior jurors turned capitalists and applauding the defense team’s

strategy, who’s worrying about Jane Doe?

Also, how many “time-outs” does Haidl get before he’s grounded? A

bumper sticker seen recently seemed to say it all: “If you’re not

outraged, you’re not paying attention.”


Balboa Island
