
Navy Seaman Apprentice Kevin Olson, son...

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Navy Seaman Apprentice Kevin Olson, son of Fletcher and Mark Olson

of Newport Beach completed basic training at Recruit Training

Command, Great Lakes, Ill. During the eight-week program, Olson

completed training in firefighting, water safety and survival, first

aid, classroom study and practical instruction on naval customs and

shipboard and aircraft safety ... Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class James

E. Bettencourt, son of Phil E. Bettencourt of Costa Mesa, graduated

from the Navy’s Nuclear Power School at Naval Nuclear Power Training

Command, Goose Creek, S.C. During the six-month course, Bettencourt

trained in several technical fields related to the nuclear power

program. In the latter half of the course, Bettencourt became

familiar with nuclear reactor theory and operations ... Costa Mesa

residents Ashley Christine Law, 18, a graduate of Mater Dei High

School, and Allison Elaine Terrell, 18, a graduate of Newport Harbor

High School, were honored for outstanding high school leadership and

community involvement during the Las Campanas 41st Annual Debutante

Ball on Saturday. Proceeds from the event, at the grand ballroom of

Irvine’s Hyatt Regency Hotel, went to the Orange County Youth

Symphony Orchestra and Orange County Opera ... Kevin Parker, an

Orange Coast College English professor, has been reelected president

of the college’s Academic Senate. The Academic Senate consists of 23

senators, who represent all divisions on campus.

* NEIGHBORS spotlights achievements in the community. Please

direct noteworthy information to Jeff Benson by fax at (949)

646-4170, or send e-mail to
