
Ahhh, the calm of fall has descended

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Steve Kawaratani

“Natives who beat drums to drive off evil spirits are objects of

scorn to smart Americans who blow horns to break up traffic jams.”

-- Mary Ellen Kelly

“September tries its best to have us forget summer.”

-- Bern Williams

Traffic in Laguna can be frustrating, particularly during the heat

of summer. Navigating through our streets is a challenge, even for

the most seasoned local driver. Despite the congestion and oft-timed,

clueless out-of-town drivers, I never honk my horn; a habit, which

sometimes frustrates my wife, Catharine. Personally, it seems

impolite to blow my horn at strangers.

We have caught a break, however, prior to the last holiday of

summer. The Festival of Arts has closed for the season, eliminating

at least half of the festival traffic. I actually could find Downtown

parking spaces Monday evening. The weather is even cooler, perhaps

sensing that autumn is only a few weeks away.

Your September questions for the Plant Man included:

Q: What flowers can I plant near the ocean?

A: It depends on how close to the water, but alyssum, geranium,

lantana, petunia, portulaca, and statice generally do well, as we

head into September.

Q: What is Labor Day?

A: Labor Day is a creation of the labor movement and dedicated to

the achievements of American workers. It’s also a good day not to


Q: What are good plants for a low hedge?

A: Nothing surpasses Japanese boxwood (Buxus microphylla

“Japonica”), but dwarf myrtle (Myrtus communis “Compacta”) deserves


Q: My Strawberry tree (Arbutus undeo) blooms but does not set

fruit. Why?

A: Trees prefer good drainage, acidic soil, and protection from

wind. If conditions are favorable, the tree might just be a poor


Q: Is there any special care for my bird of paradise?

A: Let it grow as it pleases, with plenty of water and fertilizer

prior to blooming in the fall.

Q: Why is my lemon losing its leaves?

A: A heavy crop of fruit will often strip a lemon of most of its

foliage. Over watering in poor draining soil may also cause the

condition. Thoughtful watering and application of citrus food should

bring the plant back.

Q: Should I prune my crape myrtle after it stops blooming?

A: Pruning of unsightly shoots should be considered this month, to

encourage new growth and further flowering.

Labor day weekend means a quiet walk on the beach, from Heisler

Park to Pearl Street and back, and a spin on a kayak off North

Laguna. Later, I can count on tasty tube steaks and grog at Eve and

Ken’s, in their beautiful garden. And for sure, I’m going to enjoy my

homegrown tomatoes and watch the bamboo grow. It’s going to be a

perfect weekend! See you next time.

* STEVE KAWARATANI is the owner of Landscapes by Laguna Nursery,

1278 Glenneyre, No. 49, in Laguna Beach. He is married to local

artist, Catharine Cooper, and has two cats. He can be reached at

(949) 497-2438, or e-mail to
