
Pearson needs to see the real problem...

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Pearson needs to see the real problem

Councilwoman Elizabeth Pearson refers to Village Laguna as a PAC

with the same disgust Republicans do when referring to liberals.

Pearson needs to check her facts. Village Laguna is a general

purpose committee and a group of her constituents that seeks only to

preserve and protect the village atmosphere, environment and the

quality of life in Laguna Beach. Strange that Village Laguna’s

positions apparently are so often contrary to hers. Please remember

that council members represent all of the residents of Laguna Beach,

not just the ones who can afford amenities at the Montage Resort.

Now let’s focus on Pearson’s relationship with the developers in

this town: namely, the Athens Group, Montage. What motivated Pearson

to invest what had to be hours and hours of her valuable time to

drive all the way to Beverly Hills to testify at a Beverly Hills City

Council meeting on behalf of a proposed Beverly Hills development

project under development by the Athens Group/Montage people? Does

Pearson not get her fill of council affairs within our own humble

borders? Pearson, could this be as a thank you for past and hopeful

future campaign support at election time?

I find it inappropriate for Pearson to have anything more than an

“arms length” relationship with the developers currently working

full-force on the next oversized, out-of-scale,

environmentally-insensitive, mixed-use-if-you’re-rich development

project at Aliso Creek Golf Course. How can Pearson expect us to

believe that her objectivity is still intact and her intentions



Laguna Beach

Motor vehicles aren’t part of the trail

Completing the Aliso Creek trail to the ocean is a winner for

hikers, joggers and bikers (“Multiuse trail would lead to nature’s

demise,” Coastline Pilot, Sept. 3).

Providing an all-too rare coastal access for our inland neighbors

without affecting our Downtown streets and even rarer parking spots

is a definite plus for Lagunans. We also get another path to our

nearby wilderness park. This multiuse trail, however, will not invite

motor vehicles, on road or off.


Laguna Beach

Check out those modernized schools

Have you noticed how extraordinary our four school campuses look

after their modernization? If not, take some time to check out the

outstanding work that has been done at El Morro, Thurston, Top of the

World and the high school.

These major improvements will enhance learning in the classroom,

promote character on the playing fields and stimulate creativity in

the theaters and art studios.

I thank everyone involved in this challenging and successful

project. I thank the students, the faculty and the administration for

enduring the construction with patience and grace.

For helping plan and implement these improvements, I thank El

Hathaway, Bob Whalen and the rest of the school board; Supt. Theresa

Daem, principals Nancy Blade, Chris Duddy, Ron La Motte and Joanne

Culverhouse and the whole administration; and Ketta Brown and the

rest of the legion of parent volunteers.

I want to thank the architects for their artistic vision and the

artisans for their brilliant realization of it. I want to thank the

neighbors and the community for supporting this worthwhile project.

Finally, I want to thank the taxpayers and bondholders for

financing this project. This is one investment that will pay

dividends for the students and the community for many years to come.

Once again, thanks to all for a job well done.


Laguna Beach

* The Coastline Pilot is eager to run your letters. If you would

like to submit a letter, write to us at P.O. Box 248, Laguna Beach,

CA 92652; fax us at (949) 494-8979; or send e-mail to Please give your name and include your

hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only.
