
Pancakes and flowers

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Steve Kawaratani

“Take a two-mile walk every morning before breakfast.”

-- Harry S. Truman

“So live that your memories will be part of your happiness.”

-- Unknown

I walked with some purpose this past Monday morning ... and not

only because I wanted to get some miles underfoot, before the

prospect of another hot day. A walk through Laguna is always a

practiced treasure with Catharine. However this day, sans my

beautiful wife, a pancake breakfast beckoned at Heisler Park, and I

figured that an early start would help me avoid the holiday crowds.

Skirting the now infamous baseball field, with its shiny, tall

fence poles, I sensed the nearness of my father’s spirit. Perhaps it

was the recollection of my dad going out of his way to drop me off to

school, or his past participation with the pancake breakfast that

triggered my remembrance. Heart full, with the memories of his always

sunny disposition, I gathered David and Kurt and we continued our

walk Downtown.

Our city gardeners deserve praise for their excellent skills and

dedication. The planters on Forest Avenue were perfectly groomed for

the holiday weekend. Salvia, penstemon and Japanese anemone

brightened the street scene, with a tall butterfly bush, filled with

arching blossoms, the centerpiece of interest and color. Downtown was

still mainly deserted, and like Jim Dilley, I mused at the

possibility of no vehicular traffic on Forest.

Our trio climbed the steps from Main Beach into Heisler Park. Even

at this early hour, the choice holiday spots were already taken, and

the sound of different languages and the aroma of grilled food piqued

my appetite. Striding nicely, I glanced appreciatively at Reggie’s

gardening prowess, gracefully pruned melaleucas and the soft pastels

of cosmos and impatiens, highlighting our window to the sea. After

nearly two miles of walking, the soft, green lawn looked very


Joining us in the last few footfalls to breakfast were Eve and

birthday celebrant, Ken. With a majority of the Design Review Board

now together, we could have approved a project or two, if any story

poles could have been found. A hungry line had already formed, with

Mike and Jeff leading the contingent of fireman who prepared the

tasty fare of sausage and pancakes. Exchange club members, Zolita and

John, ensured that coffee and orange juice were at the ready.

Because I’m not Barbara Diamond, I’ll discontinue my recollection

of faces ... suffice to say the best and brightest in town were all

having breakfast together. We remarked at our good fortune to live

where others vacation. And the opportunity to enjoy the sun, sand,

surf and breakfast, during the last holiday of the now ended summer,

will become a treasured and happy memory. See you next time.

* STEVE KAWARATANI is the owner of Landscapes by Laguna Nursery,

1278 Glenneyre, No. 49, in Laguna Beach. He is married to local

artist, Catharine Cooper, and has two cats. He can be reached at

(949) 497-2438, or e-mail to
