
Fairgrounds should stay

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The recent California Performance Review from our good friends in

Sacramento stated that the Orange County Fairgrounds is “land

strictly used to hold the annual Orange County Fair, a summertime

agricultural festival.”

What? Apparently no one bothered to show the reviewers the

incredible schedule the fairgrounds has on a yearly basis. Apparently

they are not aware of the multitude of events that brings so much to

our community.

While it is true that the Orange County Fair has become one of the

best-attended fairs in the state, there is so much more. The

reviewers must not be aware that on most weekends a bustling shopping

venue, the Orange County Marketplace, allows shoppers and vendors the

opportunity to prosper. It has given employment opportunities to

countless numbers of business folks and part-time workers. The

Scottish Festival in May has become one of the premier “games venues”

in all of the western United States. There are car shows, wine

festivals (one of which is used as a fundraiser for the Costa Mesa

Senior Center), youth activity events and many, many others. It is an

active, thriving environment. To characterize it any differently is

simply ridiculous.

Costa Mesa and the fairgrounds are synonymous, and the continued

presence of the fairgrounds here in Costa Mesa must be protected.

Historically, the bonds between the two are strong and vibrant. The

year-round activities at the fairgrounds are quite simply a vital

part of Costa Mesa. In my capacity as a civic leader, I will continue

to fight to keep the fairgrounds here in Costa Mesa. Move it to the

Great Park? Not while I have a voice in the matter. The state needs

to do its homework before it thinks our city will stand for letting

the fairgrounds go.

What can the citizens of Costa Mesa -- or for that matter any

other city -- do to keep this tragedy from happening? Let the

government in Sacramento know that you are opposed. Send the governor

a postcard, letter, e-mail, phone call, and let him know he cannot

“terminate” the relationship between Costa Mesa and the Orange County


We lost an airport at El Toro. Let us not allow our fairgrounds to

fly to Irvine.

* MIKE SCHEAFER is a Costa Mesa city councilman who is running for

