
What is the biggest issue facing the...

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What is the biggest issue facing the school district?

Money. Specifically our spending crisis. Money is not being spent

wisely. We are allowing government bureaucracy to devour, at an

alarming pace, the funding of our children’s education.

What can be done to keep test scores on the rise?

Raise the education level of our children, of course. Properly

educated children will always perform well on tests. Education must

be focused on reading, writing, math and science. It is a waste of

time and tax dollars for teachers to indoctrinate students in social

skills, self-esteem, sexual abstinence, anti-smoking/drugs/alcohol

and other such topics that have no place in public education.

Instruction in these subjects is the responsibility of parents not

the public school system.

What needs to be done to bolster the budget?

Nothing. The budget does not need bolstering. Spending is the

problem. We have enough revenue. We simply need to spend it


What programs should take priorities?

Reading, writing, math, science, school maintenance, books and

materials. We must transfer the funding now being eaten up by our

noneducational bureaucracy and instead use it to increase teachers’

salaries. Decent teachers require decent salaries.

How can school board members better communicate with parents and

the community?

By actually talking to parents and people in the community. Board

members could make their phone numbers more available for their

constituents to contact them with concerns. They could listen and try

and understand what people who do not agree with them have to say.

Board members could easily have a website with valuable information

posted regularly and where citizens could freely exchange ideas. I

have created such a site. It is https://www.modern
