
Not a positive ‘view’ of resort I...

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Not a positive ‘view’ of resort

I am writing in response to Alan Silcock’s comments in Sunday’s

Readers Respond on the Sept. 9 Daily Pilot article “Newport group

sues over hot hotel plan.”

Silcock is right about one thing: This is up for the residents and

voters of Newport Beach to decide. I have been a resident of Newport

Beach since 1968. My wife was born and raised in Newport. Our three

children are fourth-generation Newport Beach residents. We are

absolutely against Measure L, the measure that is designed to modify

the general plan to allow the construction of a time share/hotel on

bay front public land.

I own my home in Newport Beach, and I don’t see the addition of a

time share/hotel helping the value of my property. A time share/hotel

complex will add to the congestion of the already over-crowded


It will add to the parking and traffic problems of the peninsula.

A time share/hotel complex will also reduce our skyline around the

bay, particularly for those homeowners on Lido Bay front, Newport

Heights and Castaways. They will now see a multi-story time

share/hotel instead of a sunset.

The land is supposed to be for public use. How many residents of

Newport Beach are planning to purchase a timeshare or stay at a hotel

in their own city? I’d rather own a time share in Acapulco and not

have one next to my home. The trailer park is slated to be removed

anyway, with or with out the time share/hotel.

This is a true asset to the city and residents -- 11 acres of open space right on the bay. Why should the residents want to see it

disappear into the hands of time-share owners and out of town hotel

visitors, only to have it reduce our views, our access to the bay,

increase traffic and increase parking problems. There are so many

better things this land could be used for that would benefit the

residents of Newport.

The only group that seems awake on this issue is

https://www.Newport- I hope other Newport residents wake up to the fact

about Measure L, fast. Newport residents and voters, please, read the

details. Once again, the devil is in the details. Educate yourself on

this issue.


Newport Beach

Church has right to break away

Regarding St. James Church’s break from the Episcopal Diocese, I

applaud the congregation and leadership of St. James for standing on


They have handled a troubling and divisive issue with calm and

grace. It can’t help but be a difficult thing to do, but splits

within churches are as old as church history itself.

People have to do what they feel led to do. I only hope that the

financial issues do not dirty the process of letting the flock go its

way with the home it has built over the years. I have always had

respect for the Episcopal Church, though I am a member of another

denomination, and it is not to me a matter of their reasons -- only

of their rights as believing Christians.


Corona del Mar
