
Campaign plots are thickening

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Barbara Diamond

Nearly 1,000 people attended the opening Friday night of the Laguna

Beach Democratic Club 2004 Campaign Headquarters.

“We were thrilled to see so many people who want to donate time

and talent to all Democratic campaigns,” club president Audrey

Prosser said.

Carl Mariz, candidate for the 70th Assembly District, and Alan

Boinus, campaign manager for John Graham, who is running against

incumbent Republican Rep. Christopher Cox, were guest speakers.

Representatives of incumbent Democratic candidate Sen. Barbara Boxer

also attended.

Souvenirs featuring the Democratic slate of John Kerry and John

Edwards sold out quickly, club spokeswoman Lillian Reiter said.

The headquarters will host movie nights of the presidential and

vice presidential debates and book discussion groups, among other


“Our club members have done a fantastic job, but we still need

more volunteers to keep the headquarters operating, write letters,

make phone calls and walk the precincts,” Prosser said.

The headquarters is open from noon to 9 p.m. daily in the Pottery

Shack, which is planning renovations, at 1212 S. Coast Highway.

For more information, stop by or visit https://www.LagunaBeach, or call (949) 497-7027.


* Mayor Cheryl Kinsman will hold the second fundraiser of her

reelection on Saturday at the home of Toni and Jane Ciabattoni, the

former home of Ozzie and Harriet Nelson.

Reservations are suggested. Admission is $75.

The event will begin at 6 p.m. and will include pizzas from the

Ciabattonis’ wood-burning oven and beverages.

For more information about the fundraiser, call (949) 499-8000.

For more information about Kinsman’s policies and proposed programs,

visit https://www.lovelaguna

* A fundraiser will be held for Jane Egly from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.,

Sept. 26 at Madison Square and Garden Cafe, 320 N. Coast Highway.

Refreshments will be served. Reservations are not required. A $25

donation is requested.

* Village Laguna will hold a flea market from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Sept. 25 in the Neighborhood Congregational Church parking lot on the

corner of St. Ann’s Drive and Glenneyre Street.

Donations are needed by Thursday or by 7 a.m. on Sept 25 at the

site. Items will be evaluated to make sure that all donations worth

more than $100 are reported.

Proceeds will benefit Village Laguna’s “Laguna Tomorrow Campaign”

to elect candidates to form a new majority with Councilwoman Toni


The “Laguna Tomorrow” brochure blames the council majority for a

majority of city woes, including traffic congestion, mansionization

and favoring growth over preservation.

“When the council majority negotiates with the developer, we

lose,” the piece reads, citing the deal cut with Athens Group to

waive development fees and the escalated costs of Treasure Island


Only Councilman Steve Dicterow of the “council majority” was on

the council at the time the deal was negotiated. Kinsman and

Councilwoman Elizabeth Pearson supported the resort project but were

on the Planning Commission at the time, which was specifically

excluded from negotiations.

To arrange a pick-up or a delivery time for donations, call Doug

Reilly at (949) 494-4137.


* The Village Laguna candidate forum scheduled for Monday has been


“Television could not be arranged, so we decided to cancel it,”

Village Laguna spokesman Arnold Hano said. “It could be rescheduled.”

* Top of the World Neighborhood Assn. and Temple Hills Community

Assn. continue their tradition of joint candidate forums, with a City

Council candidates-only forum on Oct. 18 in the City Council


The forum will begin at 7:30 p.m. and end promptly at 9:30 p.m.

* Circle Oct. 2 on your calendar for the four-hour, first-ever

Election Festival in Laguna Beach, to be held at Laguna Beach High


Candidates have been invited to participate in mini-forums.

The League of Women Voters will staff a table offering voter

registration, E-slate voting demonstrations and nonpartisan pros and

cons on ballot issues. Admission is free. Expenses will be paid by a

$50 contribution requested from candidates and participating groups.

* Contributions to ELECTION ’04 NOTEBOOK are welcomed. Write to

Barbara Diamond, P.O. Box 248, Laguna Beach, 92652; hand-deliver to

384 Forest Ave., Suite 22; call (949) 494-4321 or fax (949) 8979.
