
Playhouse preparing ‘stage noir’ mystery ‘Laura’

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Tom Titus

“Laura is the face in the misty light ... footsteps you hear down the

hall ... “

Even if you weren’t around in the 1940s when the movie “Laura”

came out, chances are you’re familiar with the picture’s theme song

-- which had more shelf life than the flick itself. It’s one of those

haunting melodies that most of the top soloists of the day managed to

cover, from Frank Sinatra on down.

In the movie, Gene Tierney charmed audiences as the beautiful

title character whose “murder” ignites a strange passion in the

detective assigned to the case (Dana Andrews), as well as the erudite

newspaper columnist with a possessive attitude toward her (Clifton

Webb) and the fortune hunter who pursues her (Vincent Price).

Six decades later, “Laura” is back, this time on stage. The

Huntington Beach Playhouse, which also produced Vera Casperay’s story

back in the 1980s, is reviving the mystery drama for a new generation

of audiences, beginning Oct. 8.

Director Marla Gam-Hudson has adopted a strong fidelity to the

period and the style of the original.

“Conceptually, I am going film noir-esque style,” she said. “We

are working toward finding some of the comic moments as well as the

drama of the piece.

“We are going for the 1943 feel in mannerisms, speech patterns and

body movements. The twists and turns are fun to play with.”

Gam-Hudson and her set designer, Andrew Otero, are turning back

the clock dramatically and visually.

“He is costuming and doing the scenic decor,” the director said.

“He and I have developed a very lovely, layered look.”

Most of the cast members are fairly new to the Huntington Beach

Playhouse, but most have worked with the director on previous


“They have been such a joy to work with,” she declared.

Cast in the title role is Jasmine Curry, with Todd Fuessel playing

the detective. David Herbelin will play the fiance, while the role of

the caustic Waldo Lydecker will be shared by two actors -- Reed Boyer

and Stevenn Tyler.

Others in the company are Grace Lynne, Jackie Gannon, Ronnie

Alvarez and Brandon Perry.

“Laura” mounts the stage of the Library Theater in two weeks and

will play Thursdays and Fridays at 8 p.m., Saturdays at 3 and 8 p.m.

and Sundays at 2 and 7 p.m. through Oct. 24. The playhouse is in the

Central Library, 7771 Talbert Ave., Huntington Beach, and

reservations are being taken at (714) 375-0696.

* TOM TITUS reviews local theater for the Independent.
