
City needs to recover the issue

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I think there are enough laws on the books already in California to

be dealt with. I’ve observed the behavior of the City Council on

this, and the only one with any sense down there is Councilman Dick

Nichols, who dissented on the first reading of the first ordinance.

I don’t think it’s wise for the city of Newport Beach to try to

legislate rules that would basically make it really hard for

treatment centers, recovery homes -- more than seven -- to exist. I

think Newport Beach should learn to embrace their problem and be the

one city that wants to be helpful. It just takes patience and time

and willingness to work with one another.

The former problems in other cities that tried to do this were met

with losing in court and costing the taxpayers of the cities a great

deal of money. So, Newport should try to work with people and try to

do a good thing in recovery.


Costa Mesa

I believe the city should have total control over regulating group

recovery homes, because if this recovery home is run as a business,

it’s not a residential home or where several people live in a

roommate situation.

Also, the smoking that goes on in the inside and on the outside of

the home is not healthy for the people who live around there and

certainly not healthy for children.


Newport Beach
