
Record falls for Sage Hill

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Sage Hill School’s Mike Voge broke his school’s record in an Academy

League cross country meet against Whitney High Tuesday afternoon at

Mason Park in Irvine.

Voge broke the mark set a year ago by Chris Chiboucas with a time

of 16:46 on the three-mile course in the Lightning’s 26-29 victory.

The Sage girls team also won, 25-34.

“I’m really proud of how our girls ran,” Lightning Coach Nate

Miller said. “We only had seven runners on our starting line and

Whitney had something like 20.

“I expected this from our boys and it was a close meet. We won

without our top three runners.”

Katie McKeon, Mollie McGann, Erica Faris, Sara Montezami and Iral

Brito were the top five performers for the Sage girls.

Voge, Zach Chandy, Connor Rose, Tim Lefler and David Packard

rounded out the top five for the boys.
