
Endorsement not exactly ringing

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Geoff West

The editors of the Daily Pilot almost got it right in their selection

of candidates for the Costa Mesa City Council when they endorsed Mike

Scheafer, Katrina Foley and former mayor Linda Dixon for the three

positions available in November (“Opportunity for consensus building

in Costa Mesa,” Sept. 26).

Their assessment of some of the other candidates was accurate. In

particular, their comments about the miserable job Chris Steel has

done for the past four years were right on the money. I concur that

Scheafer and Foley are excellent choices. Since his appointment,

Scheafer has demonstrated that he has what it takes to tackle tough

issues and get things done. Foley has shown the leadership, energy

and intellect so necessary to make a significant contribution to this

city while on the Planning Commission and will undoubtedly do the

same on the City Council.

However, I must respectfully disagree with their selection of

Dixon. Although her experience on the Planning Commission is

admirable and we certainly cannot question her dedication to the

city, her tenure on the City Council and particularly while serving

as mayor, exposed her weakness as a leader and also gave us a chance

to measure her judgment. Two words demonstrate that deficiency --

Huscroft House.

The fact that, since her defeat in a bid for reelection two years

ago, she has been virtually invisible in city matters, makes me

wonder if she is really ready and able to provide leadership this

time around. In recent council candidate forums she showed up

uninformed and unprepared to debate many important contemporary


The editors inexplicably managed to shuffle perhaps the most

qualified leader of all the candidates into their “not quite ready”

pile. Planning Commission Chairman Bruce Garlich has demonstrated his

dedication to this city in many ways for many years. He brings just

the right blend of maturity, intellect and experience to this

challenge. He has proven his leadership not only as chairman of the

Planning Commission recently, but as a manager in industry, as well.

Through his volunteer commitments, he has clearly shown that he truly

cares for all residents of this city, not just a vocal few. He is the

right man at the right time for this city.

* GEOFF WEST is a resident of Costa Mesa.
