
Remembering the ones who provide life’s lessons

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“The entire object of true education is to make people not merely do

the right thing, but enjoy the right things; not merely industrious,

but to love industry; not merely learned, but to love knowledge; not

merely pure, but to love purity; not merely just, but to hunger and

thirst after justice.”


Leaves are changing colors, fall is in the air and children are

busy in school. I remember enjoying teacher’s conferences and

back-to-school nights when our daughters were younger, and how much

influence their teachers had on them.

I had prayed that our girls would have a love of learning and God

answered those prayers in many wonderful ways. My husband Jon and I

loved doing all we could at home to read to and educate our children

and encourage them to read and learn on their own, but we so

appreciated all those whose personalities and classrooms inspired

them too. I was so thankful for the many different ways we were able

to be involved with the teachers and schools over the years, whether

it was helping in the classroom, on school boards or on the athletic

field. We also appreciated all the staff and other parents who helped

in countless, creative ways.

I was happy to observe two different situations recently that

reminded me of the need for schools and families to work together,

and for communities to do all they can to promote and support quality

education, both in and outside the classroom.

One day I was in the market and noticed the woman behind me with

several trays of assorted cookies. I commented on them and she smiled

and said, “The bakery here did such a great job with these, and I’m

so excited to take them to the teachers and staff at my son’s school.

They all work so hard and I want them to know how much they are

appreciated. We entrust our children to their care and it’s important

for parents to be involved and help out whenever and however we can.

For me this week, I can only bring sweets and pray for them.”

Later in the week, I was in a hair salon buying shampoo. Three

girls came skipping in followed by a woman with a big smile. I asked

about school and learned that it was parent conference week at her

daughters’ school and they were enjoying their morning with their

mother and a classmate.

“I have the bestest teacher ever,” said the youngest girl who was

dressed in stripes and had freckles on her nose.

Her mother smiled and said, “You’re right, your teacher is truly

one of the best.”

The girls talked at the same time about the pictures they were

going to draw for their teachers and about how excited they were to

go back to school the next day.

We all know that quality education is far more than reciting what

is in textbooks. We need to pray for and promote children of

integrity, honesty and purity, a goal that requires parents and all

people working with children to exhibit those same qualities. Thanks

to all of you who give so much to the younger generation, and may we

all pray that God would make us into the people we need to be for

those who follow in our footsteps.

And you can quote me on that.

* CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beach resident who speaks

frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached via e-mail at or through the mail at 537 Newport Center Drive,

Box 505, Newport Beach, CA 92660.
