
Bail or jail for Haidl?

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I think he needs a lot of love, that kid. He needs a family that

understands him. He doesn’t need to be punished. He just needs a lot

of loving. Tell the family it’s all he needs.

That’s all I want to tell Greg Haidl’s parents. Just love him --

that’s all he needs. Don’t make his life miserable, because he’s too

young. He’s going to have a bad reputation if you don’t help him.

It’s up to you to straighten out your son.

He’s a good boy; he doesn’t need to be punished.


Newport Beach

I do believe Greg Haidl should be sent to jail for what he’s done.

He’s been given a free ride for far too long. It’s time that he is

off the street and where he belongs. As far as I’m concerned, it’s

just total nonsense that he’s trying to commit suicide. That’s just

an excuse. He doesn’t want to go to jail; he’s afraid. Well, it’s

time that he pays for the alleged crime. He needs to do the time.


Costa Mesa

Greg Haidl should have been in jail a long time ago, and he’s been

given far too much leniency. We waste lots of valuable time by

letting him run around the streets and endanger other people and

other young ladies. He belongs in jail until the trial, and he does

need help. I feel sorry for him, but I feel more sorry for the people

that are being impacted by his reckless behavior. To me, it looks

like this depression thing is just a smokescreen.


Costa Mesa

I think the judge made the right decision.


Newport Beach

I’m happy he’s in jail. He should have been jailed a long time

ago. I’m just happy that the judge came through.


Corona del Mar

The judge made the correct decision by revoking Haidl’s bail. It

seems clear that he does not believe that he is required to follow

the law or any restrictions placed upon him while he awaits retrial

on very serious charges. My thought is that Haidl was not required to

adhere to any rules or restrictions at home when he was a child, and

what we are seeing is the result of parenting that was too

permissive. Maybe Haidl’s father should have let his son experience

some of the consequences of bad behavior early on. The lessons he

might learn in jail certainly won’t be meted out by someone who cares

about him.


Rancho Cucamonga

Haidl needs to be reminded that laws apply equally for all,

including him. He definitely deserves jail time. Hurray for Judge



Costa Mesa

If they send Greg Haidl to jail, they ought to send his father

with him. It’s interesting that the other two boys who were involved

with him in this case -- I don’t see their names in the paper -- I’m

sure their parents have landed on them like a ton of bricks. Don

Haidl is just making excuses for this kid. Obviously he’s at fault

here, but the parents certainly have not helped him and haven’t done

a great job of raising this kid.


Costa Mesa

I have been following this Greg Haidl case, and I would absolutely

put him away. He is screaming out for attention. He is going to harm

himself, and most particularly he is going to harm somebody else. The

guy is absolutely a spoiled-rotten brat.


Newport Beach

Definitely, that young man should be in jail. He used a hospital

as a ruse. He is sane enough to get in a car and buy drugs on the

street. He is a menace, and he has been coddled, and it’s time to put

him in jail.


Newport Beach

I think we have given him too much of a break. I don’t think he’s

sick. I think he should stay in jail.


Costa Mesa
