
1. A temple for which religion is...

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1. A temple for which religion is being built in Newport Beach?

A. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

B. Rastafarian

C. Scientology

D. Norse

2. Rep. Chris Cox gave up his leadership post on what committee to

serve as chairman of what new committee?

A. Economic to serve on Policy

B. Policy to serve on Homeland Security

C. Homeland Security to serve on Ways and Means

D. Committee to Eradicate Doubt to serve on Economic Instability

3. A local couple, Bill and Sue Gross, gave how much money to Hoag

Hospital’s new tower and women’s health center?

A. $1.25

B. $20 million

C. $20 billion

D. $2 million

4. The judge in the rape trial involving three teenagers,

including Greg Haidl, son of a Corona del Mar man who’s a former

assistant sheriff, said finding an impartial jury for the trial would

be what?

A. No problem

B. Difficult

C. Impossible

D. Only a matter of time

5. The weather for the past week has been what?

A. Wet

B. Really wet

C. Extremely wet

D. So wet my paper’s soaked and I can’t read this news quiz

ANSWERS: 1: A; 2: B; 3: B; 4: B; 5: C
