
United they play

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It would be no lie to say the sun is shining on Costa Mesa United.

The group, which is in the midst of a $7.25-million fundraising

effort to build a stadium at Estancia and a 50-meter pool at Costa

Mesa High, held an immensely successful golf tournament Monday at the

Mesa Verde Country Club. And after weeks -- literally! -- of rain and

cold, the mercury climbed, the sun returned, and about $65,000 was

raised at the tournament.

The support the community showed that day is just the latest proof

that Newport-Mesa is a community that can get things done.

There’s still plenty to do for Costa Mesa United. The group now is

inching near the $3-million mark, but obviously has a ways to go.

But what doubt can there be that the goal will be reached when

there are generous people in the community such as members of Mesa

Verde, who donated the use of their beautiful (and, take it from us,

challenging when the wind blows) course this year and the next two,

as well. The Mesa Verde Golf Classic easily could become an annual

highlight for golfers here.

And what doubt can there be when donations in the hundreds and

even thousands of dollars are coming Costa Mesa United’s way?

Group leaders say they are feeling a sense of momentum and

excitement surrounding their project. It will pale in comparison to

the excitement of the first kickoff at the new stadium. They hope

that will happen in 2006. We don’t doubt it will.
