
More to student life than meets eye

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Starnes Arnold

Nearing the end of the first semester, a student’s life is quite the

hassle. There are hours of studying and last-minute projects that are

due the week of finals.

But what about the average life of a busy high school student?

Though many do not seem to realize it, a high school student’s life

can be quite hectic at times. There are several ways a student can

occupy his or her time.

A student who hopes to excel and be pushed to the limit would want

to be in classes that demand more effort than the average class.

Courses taken by such students include AP European history, AP world

history, AP Spanish, calculus, etc. Students might also go as far as

to take an extra period, which would start much earlier than regular

school hours. These types of classes tend to be more demanding

because of the excess homework and challenging lessons.

Athletics also demand much of a student’s time during the week and

sometimes during the weekend.

Another stressor some students have is the responsibility of a

job. A job can take much of a student’s time during the week and/or


Finally, there’s the social life. It allows a student to live and

enjoy the small amount of time in their life when they are young.

Many students in Newport-Mesa enjoy hobbies and activities such as

guitar, surfing, shopping and other such activities. Teens can have

out-of-school lessons for activities anywhere from a personal trainer

to a pitching coach.

Students that have a busy life and take part in social activities

are constantly within reach of hazardous pressures such as drugs and

alcohol, which can add to a teen’s challenge. Those who are not in

high school can often be blind to the fact of how powerful pressures

are to do drugs and/or alcohol. Students must constantly be on guard

to these pressures.

The average life of a student may not be the most stressful job,

but it does require much more hard work than many remember high

school to be.

* STARNES ARNOLD is a student at Newport Harbor High.
