
To build or not to build new City Hall

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As usual, I am concerned about where the money is coming from to pay

for this project.

If the council plans to impose additional taxes on residents in

order to build a new City Hall, I am against this project.

I’ve been in most offices in the city, and they look no more

crowded than private businesses which have to conserve space because

they are paying by the square foot.

We in California support a larger tax burden than any other state

in the union. Until President Bush and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger can

give us some tax relief, I cannot see how a project like this can be


If the money is to come from the capital budget, I am also against

it. The infrastructure in Newport Beach, particularly the peninsula,

should be the recipient of any capital funds so that necessary

repairs need not take so long to complete. Some $20 or $30 million

would go a long way to completing these projects.

For example, we need to finish moving the utilities underground.

The foul methane gas odor in the Balboa Fun Zone, which assaults

unsuspecting tourists and annoyed residents alike, needs to be

eliminated. Repaving of streets needs to be completed.

Perhaps we should consider putting a moratorium on hiring, so we

don’t have an excuse to build something we don’t really need.


Newport Beach

I wholeheartedly support the city of Newport Beach getting a new

City Hall. I work in the government relations business, and I travel

from city hall to city hall all over Southern California. Even cities

like Buena Park have brand new city halls, and I think it’s time for

the city of Newport Beach -- as we go into our centennial year -- to

build a City Hall that reflects the community we live in.


Newport Beach

Don Webb worked for the city of Newport Beach for many years

before becoming a city councilman and probably knows more about

public works than anyone on the current council. If he believes we

can remodel our council building for less money and create an

aesthetically pleasing and functional one, then I believe him.

It would be one less project we would have to generate money for,

which usually means either cutting services or adding a high-density

commercial project to our beautiful beach city.


Balboa Island

I am opposed to a new city hall.


Balboa Island

Looking at the picture in the Daily Pilot, my suggestion is that

city workers take some time to clean up their offices. I could never

imagine someone being allowed to take a picture of my office if it

looked like that. Maybe if everybody in their offices at City Hall

cleans up their offices, we could just refurbish the place, and we

wouldn’t have to completely rebuild.


Newport Beach
