
That map could use a Pilot

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Where are we? We’re the press, and we demand answers.

OK, we’ll calm down and provide a bit of background. For those who

didn’t see the story -- and shame on you -- the Newport Beach

Conference & Visitors Bureau has published a map that points to local

attractions mentioned on the Fox TV show “The OC.”

The blue and gold map highlights such “OC” fair as the Arches

restaurant (“The OC’s favorite restaurant”), the Crab Cooker (“The

OC’s ‘Seafood Shack’”) and the 54th to 56th Street jetties (“The OC’s

beach hangout, Marissa’s getaway”).

Gail Ossipoff, the bureau’s communications director, told the

Pilot she decided to put the map together after answering phone calls

from fans trying to find directions to locations used on the show.

It’s yet another in a series of marketing tools city leaders have

come up with to promote the city via the fan-favorite, if not

critic-darling, show.

Now, back to our ranting: Where are we? As we’re sure everyone

remembers as a highlight of the show, the Daily Pilot was mentioned

once, in passing, when the “publisher” was up for an invite to a

party. And we’ve had tons, handfuls, several, one, OK, no calls or

interest from people wanting to see the “real Daily Pilot.”

Our rant is over, and we’ve answered our own question. Now, back

to work.
