
Land use element workshop scheduled

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Barbara Diamond

The Planning Commission is urging the public to participate in a

review of the land use element of the city’s general plan.

A workshop will be held at 7 p.m., Wednesday in the City Council


“The main purpose of the workshop is to get community input,”

Commissioner Anne Johnson said. “We are not interested in what we

think; we want to hear what they think.”

The land use element coordinates and synthesizes the polices of

the other six other mandated general plan elements: circulation,

housing, conservation, open space, noise and safety, and may even go

beyond physical planning to address social and economic issues.

“It has perhaps the broadest scope of the mandated general plan

elements,” Johnson said.

The element establishes a diverse set of community goals and

objectives to be considered in decision making.

“It is essential for the community to participate,” Johnson said.

“I would like to see neighborhood associations and other civic groups

represented at the workshop.”

For more information, call (949) 497-0361.
