
Cafeteria expels unasked visitors

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Marisa O’Neil

Unsanitary conditions -- including rodent droppings, dead cockroaches

and a dead mouse -- forced the temporary closure of a high school

cafeteria last week.

County health inspectors first found food-storage problems and

evidence of rodents in Estancia High School’s cafeteria during a

routine inspection March 7, said Howard Sutter, spokesman for the

Orange County Health Care Agency. A follow-up inspection two days

later showed that the problem had been resolved, Sutter said.

But a third inspection on April 11 turned up more evidence of

rodents in a food-storage area, he said. The department suspended the

cafeteria’s health permit, forcing it to close.

“The health inspectors found some mouse droppings in one of the

closet areas, so we searched that out and found the mouse,” Estancia

High School Principal Tom Antal said. “We were closed down because

you don’t want mice in there for one day.”

Inspectors found mouse droppings, a dead mouse and dead

cockroaches in a food-storage area, Sutter said. They went to the

school daily until the problems were resolved, he said.

Food was brought in from Newport-Mesa Unified School District’s

main kitchen during the closure, Antal said. Students ate their meals

in the commons outside the kitchen, he said.

The cafeteria remained closed April 12 and reopened April 13 after

it passed inspection, Sutter said.

“We’ve changed quite a bit of stuff -- plugged some holes that

could have allowed a mouse to get in, changed all containers, made

sure everything was plastic or glass and couldn’t be violated,” Antal


Estancia High School PTA President Ellen Carroll said she had not

heard about the cafeteria’s closure.

Inspectors are planning another follow-up visit, though school

staff members won’t know the date, Sutter said.

“We have already scheduled another inspection just to make sure

conditions remain proper,” Sutter said.

-- Michael Miller contributed to this story.

* MARISA O’NEIL covers public safety and courts. She may be

reached at (714) 966-4618 or by e-mail at marisa.oneil
