
Quit meddling, Los Angeles

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It would be hilarious if it weren’t so sad.

The Los Angeles City Council’s 11-0 vote last week to ask the Los

Angeles Board of Airport Commissioners to pursue obtaining the former

El Toro Marine Air Corps Station as an airport was way out of bounds.

Don’t get us wrong. We think converting El Toro to an airport is a

fine idea, but the concept of Los Angeles using any and all means,

including litigation, to obtain the land is ludicrous. L.A. has about

as much right to demand El Toro for an airport as Newport Beach does

to annex Beverly Hills or Bel Air for a new jail or a football


El Toro is Orange County’s responsibility and no one else’s. The

county’s voters made their choice in 2002 -- opting for the Great

Park and more housing -- and, regardless of whether we agree, it’s

their decision to make.

Any attempt by Los Angeles to take this property should be

rejected outright. The actions of the City Council are insulting and


If the Board of Airport Commissioners has any sense, it will use

any and all means to put the idea in the circular file. Where it

belongs. Once and for all.
