
‘Revenge of the Sith’ will not disappoint

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John Depko

Bigger, better and more spectacular than ever, “Star Wars: Episode

III -- Revenge of the Sith” will not disappoint its legions of fans.

George Lucas returns to the core elements that made the original

movie a cultural phenomenon. The dazzling special effects and

rip-roaring space battles are once again the backdrop to the real

heart of the story’s appeal: the timeless struggle of Good against


We finally witness the events that turn the chosen one of the Jedi

into the dark lord of the Sith. Hayden Christensen is outstanding in

the complex role of Anakin Skywalker. We painfully watch the

fresh-faced Jedi warrior make choices that transform him into the

wicked Darth Vader of legendary cruelty.

Natalie Portman is the adoring wife of the young Jedi who is

pregnant with twins: the future Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker. She

grows increas- ingly disturbed at what she sees happening to her


As his character undergoes slow but drastic change, Christensen

gradually alters his body language, voice and mannerisms to make the

transformation believable and frightening. His first-rate acting is

matched by Ian McDiarmid’s performance as the psychopathic chancellor

who becomes Vader’s mentor and partner in crime.

Yoda is back in a big way, along with a revved-up R2-D2 and C-3PO.

But the perform- ances of Samuel L. Jackson and other live actors

don’t fare as well as they handle their clunky lines like lead

weights. But a little lame dialogue won’t damper the hundreds of

millions of dollars in ticket sales this flick will generate.

There’s also more for grown-ups in this installment than in any

other “Star Wars” film. “Revenge of the Sith” is definitely a darker

and more serious affair than the episodes that gave us cartoon

characters like Jar Jar Binks. We care about the people at the center

of this tale and some will meet a terrible fate. It’s not for very

young children.

The political intrigue of the future is also given overtones that

appear to echo the real conflicts and hard decisions we face in our

own world today.

But at its core, this episode remains a dynamite story with the

best computer-generated graphics in the known universe. They explode

on the screen with enough eye-popping power to satisfy the jaded

video game players in the audience. And there’s more than enough

depth to the characters to engage the adults.

This long-awaited movie should fill Hollywood’s hunger for a

blockbuster to kick off the summer season of mega hits. This is the

best and brightest of the “Star Wars” saga.

* JOHN DEPKO is a Costa Mesa resident and a senior investigator

for the Orange County public defender’s office.
