
Public docks are a call to action for seafarers

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I have received numerous e-mails and comments about last week’s

column, particularly the last paragraph ...

“Finally, Dave Beek hit the nail on the head with his letter to

the editor, regarding the lack of guest slips in Newport Harbor,

while the city owns more than a dozen public docks including the

Rhine Wharf.

“Once again, I pose the question still unanswered by anyone --

Where can I dock a 50-foot yacht in Newport at a public dock for an

hour or so? We have public parking for automobiles on the streets,

but zero docking for yachts in the harbor. Marinapark is the perfect

beginning to plot the course for our harbor.”

Every one of you who e-mailed me asked how to get involved or for

my input on your e-mail’s topic, ranging from public yacht docking to

shipyard closures to Marinapark. My response to each was basically

the same thing, one that I constantly promote in the column and on my

radio show: Get involved!

I love the e-mails because it shows me that my column is read;

however, the e-mails should go to others, too.

Let’s start with the City Council, the Harbor Commission and the

Harbor Resources for the City of Newport Beach. In addition, please

send letters to the editor of the Daily Pilot, the Log newspaper and

other print media.

Those in the marine industry who want to stay anonymous may become

extinct, as the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Jim Mahoney, the owner of the gondola and the water taxi in

Newport Beach, takes the time to attend meetings and to call my radio

show to talk about the issues facing Newport. Marinapark is a hot

issue, but I have not seen the proactive effort from the recreational

boater, nor the commercial boater and especially the marine industry.

Today, two shipyards are vanishing. Tomorrow, every shipyard will

be a condo complex. The fact that Newport Harbor does not have a

single public boat launch ramp in the main, lower bay is not

acceptable to the public that owns the harbor.

I’ll pose another challenge this week, since no one can answer the

question of where one can dock a 50-foot yacht in Newport at a public

dock for an hour or so. The new question is: Can you name any other

bay or harbor along the Pacific Coast that does not have a public

boat launch facility into the main body of water that accesses the


The tip of the week is for you to visit my radio show this weekend

at Lake Perris, where we will be helping benefit the Catch a Special

Thrill for Kids Foundation (

The organization’s website says it all: “The C.A.S.T. for Kids

Foundation was formed in 1991 to join volunteers who love to fish

with disabled and disadvantaged children for a day of fishing in the

outdoors. The C.A.S.T. (Catch a Special Thrill) for Kids event was

designed to create an environment whereby both children and adults

could benefit, each taking from the day their own lessons. Children

and adults could leave their problems on shore and share a day of fun

on the water.”

The Department of Water Resources, the Department of Fish and Game

and the Department of Parks and Recreation are supporting this event.

Lastly, Saturday is the start of National Fishing & Boating Week,

June 4 through 12.

“Fishing differs from many other forms of outdoor recreation

because it not only gives kids a lasting way to connect to nature, it

improves family communication in ways few activities can,” said Bruce

Matthews, president of the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation.

“National Fishing & Boating Week gets things headed in the right

direction by getting kids interested in fishing and boating early.”

said Dean Cain, the 2005 honorary chairperson for the celebration.

You can read more information at Get your

kids away from the TV and into the No. 1 family recreational

activity, boating and fishing.

Tune in to the No. 1 boating talk radio show in the nation, “Capt.

Mike Whitehead’s Boathouse Radio Show.” It airs every Saturday from

noon to 1 p.m. on KCBQ-AM (1170). You can join me, Chandler Bell and

Eric Hovland by calling the listener line at (888) 344-1170.

Safe voyages.

* MIKE WHITEHEAD is the Pilot’s boating and harbor columnist. Send

him your harbor and marine-related thoughts and story suggestions by

e-mail to or visit
