
“I feel that probably libraries in the...

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“I feel that probably libraries in the next two or three years are

going to be jumping on that bandwagon. Patrons are saying, ‘We want

[digital music file] downloads; we want iPods.’ Librarians are trying

to find ways to pay for it, of course, and that’s probably what’s

keeping us from instantly putting it out there because it is

expensive whenever you change a format.”

-- Jana Prock, chairwoman of the audio committee for the Public

Library Assn., on the library’s plan to check out iPods with audio

books on them.

“Does it end up making a difference? I suppose it can, but at the

end of the day, the one thing we all know is that voter turnout will

be low,”

-- Mark Petracca, UC Irvine political science professor, on

endorsements in the possible race to fill Rep. Chris Cox’s seat.

“Literally, the noise is intolerable. The [sea lions] get into

arguing with each other over who gets to come aboard and who gets to

sleep where.”

-- Dan Gilliland, a Balboa Peninsula resident, who presented a

petition at the last Harbor Commission meeting complaining about sea

lions on a barge in the harbor. He said he has seen as many as 16 sea

lions at the facility at one time.

“I’m the most senior guy [on the council] other than Tod Ridgeway.

A lot can be done. I just never have been in a spot where people

thought of me doing it, so I’m really focusing more on the City

Council vacancy than I am on the mayor.”

-- John Heffernan, Newport Beach City Councilman, on whether he’d

want to be mayor.

“Contrary to some of the things you’ll hear, things you’ll read,

some of the javelins you’ll catch with both hands, there’s no

question the majority of the people in this city support you. They

trust their government.”

-- Steve Bromberg, outgoing Newport Beach mayor, at his last


“The only danger that I see on the horizon for the real estate

market would be if interest rates rise dramatically or substantially

over the next few years.”

-- Kent McNaughton, who sells homes in Newport Beach, Newport

Coast and Laguna Beach for First Team Real Estate.
