
Be prepared; that’s no lion

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Two hot issues seem to be in the news lately, generating a lot of

discussion and separate responses in the Forum section of the Daily

Pilot, not to mention my e-mail’s inbox. The tsunami warning is still

a large blip on many people’s radar, and showing up again on the

fringes of the radar are the sea lions.

The public is still lost in the fog as to how tsunami warnings are

issued and where to go to be out of danger. There needs to be a very

public and official notice from the city of Newport Beach explaining

what is happening to fix this important topic, and any information as

to what to do if it happens again today.

However, some good things did result from this last tsunami

warning. I spoke with Cary Smith, who is with the Pillar Point Harbor

Department in Half Moon Bay; he is also the president of the

California Boating Safety Officers Assn. (

“First, here at Pillar Point Harbor it encouraged us to look at

the tsunami plan we have had,” Smith said. “While our county and all

the multiple agencies involved have been working on an updated plan,

the plan in place is from 1994; many things have changed in the last

12 years including phone numbers, area codes and the Internet.

“Unfortunately, we live in a world where if it is not broken, why

fix it? Change comes quickly when the mayor’s daughter falls in the

water, or worse. The reactionary nature of politics goes against the

proactive nature of prevention and education.

“Boating Safety Officers throughout the state believe being

proactive saves lives. Being reactive can create a bad situation for

everyone. So it usually takes something bad to happen before we get

new gear or increases in the training budget.

“So, with all that being said, this latest warning is a wake up

call for all agencies on the coast, we can always improve

communications and the flow of information. In this case, we did not

have to endure the tragedy to get the ball rolling.

“When was your county’s tsunami plan last updated? When was the

last time your personal home earthquake kit was checked? Just because

it hasn’t happened in a while, we all know it will, and the better

the public is prepared, the less strain will be put on emergency

workers, which will allow those personnel to be available for the

true emergencies that may be the difference between life and death.”

As Smith said, this is the perfect opportunity for all coastal

communities to look at and evaluate their emergency tsunami plans and

how the accurate information can be given to those that might be in

danger’s way.

Also, this is the time for everyone to think, “What would I do if

a warning was issued in a specific time frame?”

Another hot issue is the sea lions invading Newport Harbor. I

happen to see a different motive behind the sea lion complaints, as

sea lions are nothing new to the harbor. I remember addressing issues

about the sea lions years ago when I was on the city’s Harbor


The sea lions are being used to try to force out the white sea

bass grow-out pen that some waterfront homeowners do not like seeing

from their backyards. Every letter to the editor about the sea lions

from those living in close proximity includes the look of the barge.

The suggestion is to relocate the pen, which is on the mooring row

furthest away from the homes. Nice NIMBY suggestion is to just move

it behind someone else’s backyard.

This program has done wonders for the white sea bass population

and the science of fish management. If you do not like the look, or

that the sea lions are breaking in -- exactly like the bears that

break into cars in the Sierras -- then quit whining and offer to

actually help the volunteers who maintain this facility.

Tune in to the No. 1 boating talk radio show in the nation, “Capt.

Mike Whitehead’s Boathouse Radio Show.” It airs every Saturday from

noon to 1 p.m. on KCBQ-AM (1170). You can join me, Chandler Bell and

Eric Hovland by calling the listener line at (888) 344-1170.

Safe voyages.

* MIKE WHITEHEAD is the Pilot’s boating and harbor columnist. Send

him your harbor and marine-related thoughts and story suggestions by

e-mail to mike or visit
